Confessions of a fat girl
I love to eat, I love to exercise, I love to shop,and did I mention I love to eat. My brain is so jacked up I love so many other things besides food ,but I manage to sabatoge myself with it everytime. I am already at 9:49am thinking about what is for lunch. I need my brain fixed :( Food is not my friend it is for fuel. Food is not the enemy over indulging is!
Trying to get it together
Trying to get it together
Lord knows I've had those days too.
MSW Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass: Eat sensibly & enjoy moderation
Links: Are you a compulsive eater? for help OA meets on-line Keep Coming Back, One Day At a Time Overeaters Anonymous
It really does suck that they don't fix our brains too. I know they told me this prior to surgery but I was hoping they'd fix something up there. I'm only 11 days out and the honeymoon is over. I came home not wanting to see or smell food but's smells and looks sooo yummy.
Maybe I need to be hypnotized?!
Maybe I need to be hypnotized?!
(deactivated member)
on 12/28/10 10:23 am
on 12/28/10 10:23 am
Check this out lol eat it and see what happens no disrepect but u will get a wake up call u won't forget it'll get better once you start really droppin weight u will be in heaven an LOVIN it in those glory as they say HONEYMOON days you'll even forget to eat wow what I would give to getm back the good ole days
You are speaking the truth. Earlier this year I was hospitalized for malnutrition and now I can't stop eating on some days it seems. I feel like such a failure. I went for 18 months without going over 7 grams of sugar because I was following the rules and I was scared to dump. Now I will try anything and have even started drinking diet sodas once in a while. That scares me so much. My size 12's are getting tight and this past Feb., I was in sz 8-10 which was a little too thin for my height but I think if I get over 180 that I will be one meal away from 355 again. I would like to be hypnotized also. This is so hard and people just don't understand unless they are a wls patient themselves. You're not alone.