MSW will not settle
on 12/8/10 11:58 pm
Accountability Mission: No Mercy and No Excuses

Is (are) your coping strategy(ies) in place and effective?  Tell the whole truth and be accountable.  
Are you prepared to deal with the mall food courts, ****tails, parties, edible gifts, loving sabateurs, etc that this time of year brings?   

Even if you don't part take you are exposed to most of the same temptations.  We'll may need to make major and minor adjustments to stay on program; to find what works for us right now.  Lets make it work for today's needs. 

...All are welcome, jump in at anytime.

For reference:
5 Day Pouch Test (5DPT) website
5 Day Pouch Test Instructions

Protein Train Instructions

Wagon Plan Instructions

Overeaters Anonymous
Online Meetings Around the Clock * Information on changing eating behavior

Protein Sparing Modified Fast (PSMF)
The no op version.  This version is still severe but far more liberal than the one many pre ops are given.   

                   MSW   Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass: Eat sensibly & enjoy moderation  

 Links:  Are you a compulsive eater?  for help OA meets on-line Keep Coming Back, One Day At a Time  Overeaters Anonymous 


MSW will not settle
on 12/9/10 12:03 am, edited 12/9/10 5:15 am
I have two days tracking to complete.  Yesterday was more of the same bad behavior.  Starting to feel real again and not ravenous this morning.  Hopefully appetite is back to normal.  Will update with stats...

     Fat(g)      Carbs(g)      Net C(g)      Prot(g)      KCals
82.43 69.00 63.00 130.50 1465

Calories and carbs are improving as this flu passes.  Fingers crossed I will get today right. 
on 12/9/10 12:17 am
I am struggling to re-tool my diet.  The doc only found a low vitamin D level - so there's nothing horribly wrong with me.

Yesterday I decided to change things up a bit and had:

B - protein shake, slice of toast
S - 100 cal yogurt (2)
L- pack of tuna w/ranch dressing
S - one apple cut up w/almond butter
D - BBQ rib and bacon cracker treats
S - mango lassi, hog head cheese (shut up) and a few club crackers.

I've added calcium and vitamin D to my daily intake list and stocked it at work to make sure i don't miss it.

oh - and also going 'back' dry after I finish this corner of the Fris Vodka bottle....well - dry till next weekend when I do my b-day party thang..... then back dry again.... LOL! 

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions!  I'm saving on the newsstand price.......

Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/

MSW will not settle
on 12/9/10 12:30 am
@ hog head cheese (shut up)    Can't help myself.  When I see that stuff must think Ewwwwww.  My ex used to love that stuff and something called liver pudding, double Ewwwwww. 

I am out of D and everything else too.  I take the 5000 daily or I could take perscription D but otc is easier. 
on 12/9/10 12:34 am
LOL - well tonight it's gonna be liverwurst and hot sauce on club crackers w/ my mango lassi

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions!  I'm saving on the newsstand price.......

Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/

MSW will not settle
on 12/9/10 2:02 am
Liverwurst I luv.  Someone fed me liver pudding telling me it was just like liverwurst.  Well its the hogs head cheese of the liverwurst world.  I gagged so hard I thought I'd flip inside out, lol.

Now tell me Ms#1MM, what is a mango lassi? 
on 12/9/10 2:39 am
LOL - liver pudding doesn't even SOUND attractive.....

Mango Lassi is a popular Indian drink - simply made - it's plain yogurt with mango pulp added.  You can find the pulp in any store that sells ethnic foods - it should be on the aisle with Goya products - but it's Indian, not mexican.

anyway - the ratio of yogurt to pulp is about 1.5part yogurt/1 part pulp - blend and drink.  DELISH! the sweet of the mango and sour of the yogurt make it a really interesting flavor and the yogurt has protein, which makes it a win/win!  they also make it with various spices added to it - but that's a lil 'much' for my tastebuds, so I stick to it as is. 

as for brand on the pulp - Kesar Supreme is the most well known.  one of my co-workers is Indian and 'hooked' me onto it - I've been a crackhead for it ever since.  It's a great pairing with a salty/spicy snack.

Ok - yo - i just wrote a whole dayum dissertation on a damn drink!!! ~smh~ LOL

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions!  I'm saving on the newsstand price.......

Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/

MSW will not settle
on 12/9/10 3:15 am
That's why it sounded familiar, seen it on Indian menus.  I don't eat (or drink) yogurt so I've never had it but it looks sooooo good. 
Princess T
on 12/9/10 1:15 pm - WA
Hey MSW!! I'm just getting back to the board...never should have left *sigh*

Anyway, I did the 5 day pouch test last week and it went very well, but I haven't been able to kick this sweet tooth, or these carb cravings, so I'm going to go for it again starting tomorrow. 

I've got 40lbs to lose, so hopefully this will get me going in the right direction again!
So look for me tomorrow!! I'll be here!

MSW will not settle
on 12/9/10 4:11 pm

We do what we gotta do to get the pounds off.  Those initial two days of liquids usually do it for me in cutting my apetite and feeling my pouch again.  I did 5dpt once but 2-3 days liquids only are just as good for me. 

I'm hoping to do liquids as a start to next week.  I've been off my game for about ten days now when I should be paying some calories forward for Christmas.  Time to atone for these dietary sins, lol. 
