Flabby Arms
however - your best bet to lessen the possiblity is to EXERCISE regularly with weights. I had huge arms pre-op and 3 different plastic docs I have seen won't do my arms - they say I am being too vain *rolling eyes*
Weight training in general will help you lose and tone - you should start now - the sooner the better and it'll make you look greater later!
Best of luck and speedy recovery wishes to you.
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Decide which is more important to you: flabby skin in areas or fat all over. You will likely have some loose skin be it arms or elsewhere.
Work on your muscle tone and pamper your skin. That's the best you can do for yourself as you loose.
ETA: I have flabby arms, belly, thighs but I would not take back nearly 150 lbs for anything.
MSW Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass: Eat sensibly & enjoy moderation
Links: Are you a compulsive eater? for help OA meets on-line Keep Coming Back, One Day At a Time Overeaters Anonymous

I worked out with one for a year after my surgery - that heffa was worth her weight in GOLD! And thanks to what I learned, I've never had an injury related to weight lifting........ now, when I added in the boxing, kettlebells and 'other' activity

anyway - I wasn't big on exercise in my day either - and now I am a runner - so get to it, girlfriend!!
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Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/
The Body Sculpting Bible for Women by James Villepigue & Hugo Rivera. All you need is free weights but routines for gym equipment are included.
The eliptical really cranks up the calorie burn as you increase intensity and endurance. By maximizing resistance and incline I burn as many calories per hour as I would running 10k.
You're off to a great start. Health over vanity.

guess you must be feeling better these days - I see you are back on it!!! LOL
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