Atlanta Area Holiday Party December 11th Please Join Us

TIME: December 11th 2010 7pm-11pm
PLACE: at Erica's (CallMeMsE) house Erica's home is
located off Sugarloaf Parkway in Duluth.
WHO: Pre-and post ops of all surgery types, friends, and
This will be our 3rd Annual Holiday Celebration. Wow, it does not seem like it has been that long!
The last 2 years we had a blast eating, drinking, and being very merry. I know this year's celebration will be even better.

Since Erica is opening her home to us all, it would be a nice gesture for us all to contribute food, paper products, games, etc. so she won't be overwhelmed.

We will have a Dirty Santa gift swap. If you would like to participate, please bring a wrapped gift valued at at least $10 to exchange.
Please bring a gender specific gift ... men bring male gifts and women bring female gifts.
Everyone is welcome to come. If you have not been out to any events yet, or if it's been a while since we've seen you please come.

*** Please rsvp if you plan to attend, if you would like to bring food, etc, and if you will be bringing any guests.