Im new to the forum and new to OH My surgery is tentitavely scheduled for March but id like to make some new OH friends and get all the imformation I need in order to prepare for my surgery. Most of the people on this Forum's pages are privat is there a way I can view the pages because I would love to see others experience and before and after pictures. What advice would you all give me about going into the RNY...I want the good the bad and the ugly!!!
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Hi Misselle, and welcome to the BAFam!........
Congrats on your upcoming procedure. I'll add you to my friends list so you can follow my journey. I don't post a lot, ( I'll do better), but I did chronicle a good deal of my journey. It was the best decision I've ever made! I only wish that i had listened and done it earlier!
I wish you well, and I'd be happy to chat and discuss anything in particular on the back line.

I wish you well, and I'd be happy to chat and discuss anything in particular on the back line.
Thanks ladies...I look forward to my new journey with my new OH friends!!! I was content on the RNY but after doing more research and visiting the VSG forum Im now thinking about going in that route!!! I will keep everyone updated with my progress and decision.
Any input or advise is always welcome!!!
Any input or advise is always welcome!!!