What Do I need For Surgery???

on 11/21/10 9:33 am, edited 11/21/10 9:34 am
I am having surgery Tuesday, and I have no clue of what I need to bring with me... Can someone please help me??????


Kim B.
on 11/22/10 12:10 am, edited 11/22/10 1:18 am - OH
Congrats to you first on the start of your WL journey! 

This is a VERY exciting time.  Not sure which surgery you are having, but I really didn't need much.  Most of the time you will probably be pretty out of it.

Be sure to bring chap stick/lip gloss, comfy clothes to go home in.  You won't want to be bending or zipping/buttoning too much.  Sweats are a good idea.

Also a small pillow for the ride home.  You will feel every bump in the road and the pillow helps a little.

That's all I can thing of for you hospital stay. 

My best to you tommorrow!  Have a successful surgery and speedy recovery!

It's also a good idea to capture your journey with pictures.  Take a before surgery pic and then take a lot of pics throughout.  This will help keep you motivated because your mind will still see the big girl, but the pics will tell the real story!

The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate. - Oprah Winfrey


on 11/22/10 1:27 am
Thanks so much for that information. I am sittin here now tryin to pack a bag just for the hospital stay ..... I just dont wanna be lackin anything......I will be stayin near the hospital until I have my post op visit and then I will go home which is a few hours away. So maybe by that time I will be in a better position to travel.
Thanks again .......


Carol *
on 11/22/10 12:57 am
Great advise Kim!
on 11/22/10 2:21 am
Thank you!!!


Ms. Praise
on 11/22/10 1:49 am - MD
Congratulations on your upcoming surgery...this is just the beginning.

Kim gave you some great advice on what to take to the hospital with you.  I took the following with me for "comfort":

* A loose fitting nightgown (I didn't want to be in that hospital robe showing my backside)

* A Journal (in case you want to document how you're feeling if you're up to writing)

* Ipod (kept me sane)

Wishing you a speedy recovery and again...congratulations!!!!!
on 11/22/10 2:26 am
Thank you....I appreciate your support


So Blessed!
on 11/22/10 2:22 am

I took my bathrobe and slippers so I could walk in the hall after surgery.  
on 11/22/10 4:23 am - oklahoma city, OK

you may want to take your own soap.  I'm picky about soap, so i took my own.  At the time i was on a c-pap machine, so i took that with me.........it was a true life saver and really did help me rest comfortably.

the best to you as you start this journey--it's going to be a great summer 2011--shop till you drop.!


on 11/22/10 6:01 am - Denver, CO
Congrats on your surgery date. You have gotten alot of good advice so far but  I also took my own pillow which help alot and my own blanket and of course you'll want slippers cause your gonna have to walk. Definitely don't wanna forge the chapstick you'll need it.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Lisa H.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Kinda ironic
Birthday:     01/07/80
