MSW will not settle
on 11/7/10 11:04 pm
Accountability Mission: No Mercy and No Excuses

How did you do this past week? How did you do this past weekend?   Tell the whole truth and be accountable.   Were you good to yourself? 

Remember when being good to ourselves ment induldging in favorite foods?  Comfort foods, scrumptious foods, distracting foods, and of course special occaision foods.  We know
if we are to be succesful long term, there is no other option than to re-think our definition of being good to oneself.  It will always be a struggle.   Nonetheless we can do this.  Live and learn.  Take it one day at a time.  

...All are welcome, jump in at anytime.

For reference:
5 Day Pouch Test (5DPT) website
5 Day Pouch Test Instructions

Protein Train Instructions

Wagon Plan Instructions

Overeaters Anonymous
Online Meetings Around the Clock * Information on changing eating behavior

Protein Sparing Modified Fast (PSMF)
The no op version.  This is version is still severe but far more liberal than the one many pre ops are given.   

                   MSW   Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass: Eat sensibly & enjoy moderation  

 Links:  Are you a compulsive eater?  for help OA meets on-line Keep Coming Back, One Day At a Time  Overeaters Anonymous 


MSW will not settle
on 11/7/10 11:13 pm
As you already know, last week was anywhere from marginal to total clusterfkcu.  No, revise that to the last ten days.  I tried to pull it together but kept falling off the wagon in one way or another.  No 'bad' foods, just 'bad eating'.  I did get plenty of exercise in and liquids were respectable.  I've been taking my vits but ran out of calcium and iron this past week. 

Yesterday something clicked and I did better.  A near perfect day until around midnight.  Then I fkcu'd up.  I'm going to work at pulling it together today.  Getting myself to an OA meeting online at midnight will help.  Time to be good to myself.  I deserve better than the way I've behaved lately. 

on 11/8/10 1:31 am
Dam you made it till midnight then ****** up, you should have taken your ass to bed.  

Since I have been sick, I have been eating all kinds of crap, but today I am reeling it back in because, I am fat damit.

I don't know why but I had that feeling of hopelessness come over me yesterday, like why am I doing this, it doesn't work, but thank goodness the feeling passed quicky.  
Salty Pickle a.k.a.  Lee
Carol *
on 11/8/10 1:34 am
Damn Lee, I have that feeling right about NOW!  I just hope I'm not more discouraged when I take my 30-day pics tonight!!!! 
MSW will not settle
on 11/8/10 4:19 am
The hard thing to remember is we've got fat and excess skin so our pics may not be dramatic.  My pics don't look much different but I can feel the muscle tone on my outer thighs and my obliques.  Nothing dramatic but it will do.  Its progress.   
Carol *
on 11/8/10 5:33 am
You are right...I feel that CRAP too, BUT I want to see it in the mirror AND on the dern scale!! 
Okay, I'll stop whinning now......still pressing PLAY!
on 11/8/10 4:42 am
Carol let's just hope and pray that your body is nothing like mine, and it actually responds to working out and eating right.  

But it sucks big fat cellulite ass when you work out like I do and never get any results.
Salty Pickle a.k.a.  Lee
Carol *
on 11/8/10 5:40 am
Lee,  I've ALWAYS been like that!  That's why I had WLS!  And I've been at the same weight since about 1 yr post-op 155-160!!  I guess my body just doesn't want to get under 155!  Anytime I do, it's only for a few days, then I'm right back where I started!!
Ok, I'm REALLY done whinning now... LOL!
MSW will not settle
on 11/8/10 4:16 am, edited 11/8/10 4:23 am
Sorry you're still sick.  Hope you feel better today. 

I hear you but I couldn't sleep so I snacked damnit.  My clothes are so friggin tight its embarrasing.  Its hard not to feel hopeless at times but that will just make us fatter. 
on 11/8/10 1:24 am
I'm still at 215lbs and ran a 11min, 11sec mile this morning - my fastest time to date.

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions!  I'm saving on the newsstand price.......

Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/
