The link above is an article I wrote on 3 BAF family members for an online magazine that I write for. I'm greatful to my publisher for allowing me to write on a subject such as WLS. Its important that people understand that being overweight or, obese is a problem in this country. Its not about being lazy. The article is a "two-part" interview series. Therefore, I'm still interviewing others. Stay tuned family.
Thank you Darwin, Katrina and "the" Juice for an amazing interview.
The link above is an article I wrote on 3 BAF family members for an online magazine that I write for. I'm greatful to my publisher for allowing me to write on a subject such as WLS. Its important that people understand that being overweight or, obese is a problem in this country. Its not about being lazy. The article is a "two-part" interview series. Therefore, I'm still interviewing others. Stay tuned family.
Thank you Darwin, Katrina and "the" Juice for an amazing interview.
"Sometimes Losing Is Really Winning!" And, being me is F-A-B-U-L-U-O-U-S!!!!!! by Me
that was a good article, it would be nice if it were in something like sister to sister or todays black woman, mainly because of the social issues associated with weight loss surgery, no matter the color, obseity it a problem in minority communities but the reasons behind continued problems with obseity and its alternatives are bigger than the surgery itself.
Hey Catt - this was a great article! I also wrote an article about WLS in the former Trumpet Newsmagazine - in 2006. I'll have to find a copy and send it to you. I also talked about several BAF members...and about our forum in the article.
Isn't writing FUN and therapeutic!?
Isn't writing FUN and therapeutic!?
I choose to love myself, live life to the fullest, and encourage others to liberate themselves!