Jackazz of the week - a Facebook fool!
Ayy yo,
See this is exactly what I was talking about when I posted, "Yes Virginia, Facebook can get your blackazz fired!..." a few months back and now some idiot, who just happens to be white, has come along and proved me right.
Meet former vice president of the Midland School District in Pleasant Plains, Arkansas and jackazz of the week Clint McCance. I renamed him "jackazz..." because he is now whipping himself to get the job of damage control under control and chasing the elusive carrot of redemption after posting the following idiotic and career damaging statements on his personal Facebook page:
"Seriously they want me to wear purple because five queers committed suicide. The only way im wearin it for them is if they all commit suicide. I cant believe the people of this world have gotten this stupid. We are honoring the fact that they sinned and killed therselves because of their sin."
Now I don't know where you BAF folks stand on any particular LGBT, civil rights, or life issues and frankly I don't care. Just keep those anti-ethnic, homophobic, anti-Semetic, anti-elderly, etc... hateful voices in your own head please and off of those social networking sites you belong to. My point in pointing this out today is that you have to be "berry-berry" careful when fuggin' around on-line. I say this because black folks will find the next "new thing," and swear allegiance to it with reckless abandon. Social networking sites have taken "He said/she said... thang" to a whole new level and y'all know good and dayum well that we don't play that "he said/she said..." BS in the hood. That's just a fight waiting to happen.
McCance went on to state that he enjoys "the fact that [gay people] give each other AIDS and die." On Thursday, he disowned the comments and have fled the state with his family over safety concerns. Giddy up, Donkey! You got some running to do.
Play nice on Facebook people. You ARE being watched.
HW - 311; SW - 296; CW - 191; 1st GW - 190; 2nd GW - 180?
"Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success."
I hear you, Yo, but what about that person that you may have 'friended' who insists on blurting out something on FB that he/she really should've kept to themselves. Now you'll look guilty of it too merely by association.
C'mon now... You know we all have that one friend "that keeps it a little too real." Feel me?
That's why you have to be choosy about who you let into your facebook world. I have another rule...I'll add you as a friend but when you start offending me you get removed.
I coach high school cheerleading so a lot of my girls and ex girls friend me on facebook (that keeps me clean too...kids are watching) I add them but you know the young folk can be WRONG sometimes, especially the ones in college. I'll remove them real quick! lol
Also, NO COWORKERS!! Unless, we're cool, hang out and talk on the phone cool...you don't get added. I've had to tell people flat out. Sorry!
HW - 311; SW - 296; CW - 191; 1st GW - 190; 2nd GW - 180?
"Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success."