From the "Room with one heck of a view" files...
Penthouse founder Bob Guccione dies of cancer
Penthouse magazine founder Bob Guccione died Wednesday of cancer at a Plano, Texas, hospital, his family said Wednesday night.
When asked for a comment, Lucifer himself said, "I've been waiting on this bastid for a long time. God is good!"
"Guccione, who was married four times, also produced or invested in several movies, including "Caligula" and "Chinatown."
Yeah and he was also the main force behind Vanessa Williams having to give back the Miss America crown in the early 80's due to the scandal which ensued from him running lewd & newd photos of Ms. Williams dining on a white woman's "va-jay jay", that she posed for when she was deadbroke and struggling as an artist trying to get into showbiz. Looking back it kinda makes the whole texting your nips to your man not such a bad thing after all. It's just art!
"Writing in New York magazine, Anthony Haden-Guest said, "Bob Guccione pushed the soft-core envelope, building one of the most profitable porn empires in the world."
To which the Devil replied, "Like I said. I've been waiting on this bastid a long time..."