Will Downing: Lust, Love & Lies (An Audio Novel)
Ayy yo,
I have been known to read a few books in my day and on long commutes to work I've also listened to a few books on tape, but when I saw that Will Downing was going to step into the arena of "musical books" I was like...
"Aiight. Let's pump that joint up then."
Up front and for the record, I must admit that I'm a bit of a fan of Mr. Downing. Oh yeah because I've often imagined that if I could sing and play the piano like him; and didn't have this accursed crooked nose, dual and competing cataracts, and these dang false teeth, then I'd have women falling the heyll out in church and fainting on line in the grocery stores everytime I cleared my dayum throat too. I ain't jockin' or nothin' but bruh-man can carry a tune. A real smooth baritone set of pipes on Dude.
However, like my dear Aunt Hattie often said, "Just because a 'ninja' can hold a note does not mean that he can do much of anything else," and if she had listened to those skits on his new CD then she'd look at me and say, in that thick-azz drawl of hers, with her good wig and church hat ****ed to one side, "See!"
Now before I beat up on my Mr. Downing, I must say that his musical skills delivers once again. The songs he released this time will have ardent fans, like myself, scratching our collective heads thinking, "Just how in the heyll am I going to put together another Will Downing greatest hits mixtape?" The cuts Fly Higher, Saturday, and Shades will take you back to a simpler time, back to when artists alluded to xes by singing about love and not that BS-noise that clangs out of speakers of the radio these days. Call me old-fashioned but I'm not studying to be a gynecologist so you new singers out there don't try to get me to learn the parts of a woman's xesual organs like I'm watching a perverted episode of Sesame Street or sumpin. "Today's jam, boys and girls, is brought to you by the ***** and the cl!t; and by the numbers 60 and 9..." Nah man. I need things of substance in my listening pleasure.
But I digress...
On his musical talent alone this one gets an A+ hands down; however, for that those "gaw-bidge" skits on there I say, "No GED for you!" Yo, those booty skits sound like they were directed by a rookie grocery bagger at your local food store - just a bunch of stuff that were dumped into the bag without any real thought as to whether or not things really fit or not. If this is a preview of the next Tyler Perry play or something done by Spike Lee then I'd better save my money for something really important like orthopeadic gators or designer Depends, cause I won't be spending money on crap like this anymore for a long time whether it's in musical form or spoken word. In his defense though, he tries; but like a midget that tries to grow, those skits, just ain't happening. Stick to just singing the jams, Playa. Leave the acting to the actors.
...and I will always buy his music because he is one of my favorites, but I didn't like the talking...

Gotta love the bro-crush thing!
Don't miss the new Kem CD...it is totally off the chain!
Um mm gurrrrrrl.
Hey yay-uh gurrrrrrrrrrrrrl.
Gur ur ur url...
See what I mean?