OT: Cross over from FB topic

I keep trying NOT to use food analogies all the time - but dammit - they work for me! LMAO
I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/
Yesterday on Oprah, they revisited the dl subject and JL whatshisname was back on and finally admitted that he was gay. 5 yrs ago when he was on promoting his book and talking about casual sex with men and talking about the gay community like they were lepers, he emphatically denied being gay and that he LOVED his wife. Now he says that the black community doesn't accept gay people and that is true in the black churches but I think the black community is accepting. Although, I have close family members who dare not speak of their sexuality and I won't either to certain other family members because of how they feel about it. I love them regardless.
Oh and MM#1 not all women basketball players look studly, some look downright feminine.

I used to play B-ball - I know all too well the makeup of a girls' team.

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/
People are attracted to what they are attracted to. Period. Gay, straight, bi..whatever. Some like feet, some booty. Some like legs, hands, big boobs and big...appendages... (or is that just me)? Some like to be tied up, tortured, stuck with pins and strapped to tables. Some are as vanilla as they come...missionary, lights off, TV on. (I would shoot myself). I'd rather sit on the dryer for the rest of my life than be that, but hey...it works for them. I don't question it anymore.
I don't have to like what you like or even agree with it or understand it. That's between you and your God. As long as it's not hurting a child. We are free moral agents, given free will and we have to live with the choices we make. When you are an adult and you deal with other adults...you do what you do.
Being that I have never had a sexual attraction to a woman, I am curious to all things gay. Since she's my daughter, I have asked every question imagineable and I think I FINALLY get it. We have a very open relationship and she has shown me how to "pick up" another female. SMH.
For those of us who have/had no idea of the dynamics (for lack of a better word) of the gay world, I can see the curiosity.
My questions are not judgemental nor demeaning in any way, but I truly wanted to "know".
I thank goodness for gay friends who answer ALL of my questions without thinking that I am on some holy roller bull**** Special shout out to my beautiful gay friend who hung with me a few weekends ago in Savannah....who shared my home, my tub, my table, my nakedness, and tossed back a few with me. Muuuaaaahhhh!
I can understand and appreciate the curiosity - it's the 'but it just ain't right' or 'it doesn't make sense to me' that I get frustrated with. Hell - if it made sense to you automatically, you'd be gay or bi, right? LOL
I suppose with all the news lately around bullying and whatnot - I'm a lil sensitive, plus - I've dealt with the 'righteously right and straight' for far too long - call it the conditions for a perfect storm - but I was royally pissed.
Things really get twisted when I try to explain 'me' to other mofos - cause I will Beyonce one min and Missy Elliot the next and flip back the next day.......
~sigh~ tolerance and understanding a busy two way street
I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/