~~Thorough Thursdays~~
I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/
Peace and blessings! Happy Arbor day and all that, dstgirl2000's...
Here are my questions, Yo...
1. Who would you say is more of an inspiration to you - a junkie living in a park, a wino sleeping by the interstate, or an iliterate proofreader at a book factory?
2. If your nose was on strike would you pick it?
3. Favorite thing to do when making fun of people?
4. Paper or plastic?
5. If a gang-fight broke out at your job right now whose side would you be on, what would be the name of your crew, and who would you punch/slap/kick first?
6. Where is Waldo?
7. Do you still get stinking drunk and cuss everybody out at close family gatherings and revival meetings?
8. How would you best describe your style of dress these days: "The Girl Scout's ain't got nothing on these skirts, tops, and hats; cute enough to show up and drive freight trains tomorrow; or there are billboard signs out there with less colors than these?
1. Who would you say is more of an inspiration to you - a junkie living in a park, a wino sleeping by the interstate, or an iliterate proofreader at a book factory?
I'm going to pretend that I know what this is and say......umm......the junkie...at least he has a great view to draw inspiration from to share!
2. If your nose was on strike would you pick it?
.....and then look at the harvest!
3. Favorite thing to do when making fun of people?
I never make fun of people..........
4. Paper or plastic?
Both......it depends on the need, but I prefer paper.......I try to be green!
5. If a gang-fight broke out at your job right now whose side would you be on, what would be the name of your crew, and who would you punch/slap/kick first?
.........what........my a$$ would for sho be headed to the nearest exit! I'm a lover...not a fighter!
6. Where is Waldo?
Check at New Birth...........in Lithonia......
7. Do you still get stinking drunk and cuss everybody out at close family gatherings and revival meetings?
Never been much of a drinker, but back in the day........I could cuss with the best mofo"s!.....
8. How would you best describe your style of dress these days: "The Girl Scout's ain't got nothing on these skirts, tops, and hats; cute enough to show up and drive freight trains tomorrow; or there are billboard signs out there with less colors than these?
Me.........I'm age appropriately fly with cutting edge sexiness and unique styling!.........The Girl Scounts wanna be fly like me!.....
I hear ya but I would've added to your answer "...and sample the cuisine." But I can tell that you wouldn't fully commit.
....You know I acutually used to do that as a child....uuuuhh!!...
Great work. You've passed your drivers license test.
Thanks _Ayy...........now I can breath a sigh of relief!