OT: Come on now - some things you say at home, others things in public.....

on 9/23/10 1:41 am
Can we PLEASE stop airing our dirty laundry???!!! LMAO - the mofo who suggested this needs a whoopin!!! I mean, REALLY dude?  really?????? ~smh~ 

http://www.wpxi.com/news/25119416/detail.html?cxntlid=cmg_cn tnt_rss

What's in a name? At Big Shot Bob's House of Wings in Avalon, apparently it's everything. Channel 11 News featured the restaurant in the Pittsburgh “Best Wing" contest, but it’s a name of one of the flavors that caught the attention of many WPXI viewers and Facebook followers.


"If I had any idea this would happen, it wouldn't have gotten on our menu," said Big Shot Bob's owner Matt Cercone. "We've been getting threatening phone calls here, and there are people saying we're going to go out of business."


Big Shot Bob's is more popularly known for its 100 different flavors of wings, but it was the "black on black crime" wing flavor that generated the negative publicity.


Channel 11 first learned about the controversy through our WPXI-TV Facebook page. A viewer wrote, "How about this for a story. There's a place called Big Shot Bob's house of wings and they have a featured wing called black on black crime."


Cercone said after he started receiving complaints about the wings name, he changed it. Cercone said he meant no harm and that the wing's inventor, a loyal customer who happens to be African-American, came up with the name.


"Offense was never part of anything," said Cercone.


Big Shot Bob's changed the name of the wings to "Big Fine Woman 2000." Cercone said they allowed the woman who first brought the controversy to light to name them.

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions!  I'm saving on the newsstand price.......

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MSW will not settle
on 9/23/10 2:48 am
A Ted Danson in blackface moment.  What a damned shame.  One idiot stupid enough to suggest such a name and another even bigger idiot stupid to print it. 

                   MSW   Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass: Eat sensibly & enjoy moderation  

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