Thorough Thursdays
Also, I walked for 3 days 60 miles for Breast Cancer and raised $3000 while doing so. That was before wls. That changed my life forever. I going to do a bike-a-thon and a triatholon before turning 50.
In my opinion Beachbody has THE very best weight loss products around. Would you like to join me on my P90X Journey? Please click the link below to Join My Team or to learn more about the products:
Whoa, whoa, whoa... Ho' lup. Ho' lup.. Wait a minute, Yo.
This is Jus ChanJ N Me we're supposed to be questioning today so we can't let her get off too lightly. Ya dig?
Top or bottom?
Ever switch hit for the other team?
Morning or night?
Back or front?
Newd beach or straight up orgee?
Ever wanted to be a celebrity when you were a kid?
Paper or plastic?
Ever role play and dress up? If so as what/who?
If they had to mud wrestle who would win between Aretha Franklin and Gladys Knight? Emmanuel Lewis and Bushwick Bill? Frosty the Snowman and The Michelin Man.
Where do babies come from?
What was the original color for the stop sign?
How would you best describe your style of dress: Da hood rats ain't got nuttin' on me; a grandmother at my church made these dresses for me; or toned down casual with a hint of pizzazz?

Ever switch hit for the other team? No, although I've been told several times that I am denial. My own dad even accused me of being a lesbian when I was younger because I was a straight up tomboy and I wanted to be a truck driver at one point in my life.
Morning or night? I am a morning person all the way.
Back or front? Back shots all day everyday. I believe thats why I was blessed with a huge booty.
Newd beach or straight up orgee? Nude beach
Ever wanted to be a celebrity when you were a kid? Yes, but when I got older and saw all the ****t they go through, I just wanted to have the money and not the fame. I did a commercial one time though.
Paper or plastic? I use recycle bags
Ever role play and dress up? If so as what/who? No, but would like to one day.
If they had to mud wrestle who would win between Aretha Franklin and Gladys Knight? AF
Emmanuel Lewis and Bushwick Bill? BB
Frosty the Snowman and The Michelin Man. MM
Where do babies come from? The Stork brings them
What was the original color for the stop sign? You silly
How would you best describe your style of dress: Da hood rats ain't got nuttin' on me; a grandmother at my church made these dresses for me; or toned down casual with a hint of pizzazz? For the most part, I wear workout cloths but when I get dressed up, I throw it on. I guess you can say toned down casual with a hint of pizzazz
In my opinion Beachbody has THE very best weight loss products around. Would you like to join me on my P90X Journey? Please click the link below to Join My Team or to learn more about the products:
How much have u lost from WLS? I lost 100lbs the first 18 months and gained back 70 of those and lost 25 of those since gaining. On a mission now to get it off and keep it off. My mindset was all wrong. Now I am focused like never before with the proper mindset.
From your comment above:
What does the "all wrong mindset" consist of?
What about the "proper mindset"?
Your work is noteworthy and impressive, no degree can make anyone accomplish what you have.
Thank you!
How much have u lost from WLS? I lost 100lbs the first 18 months and gained back 70 of those and lost 25 of those since gaining. On a mission now to get it off and keep it off. My mindset was all wrong. Now I am focused like never before with the proper mindset.
From your comment above:
What does the "all wrong mindset" consist of? When I got wls all I could focus on was the pounds. If I didnt get to a certain pound, I considered myself a failure. So when it didnt happen in the time that I felt it should have happened I gave up.
What about the "proper mindset"? I am now focusing on being mentally, physically and spiritually healthy. I am not focusing on the weighloss anymore. However, I know if I eat clean and exercise the end result will be weight loss. But my main focus is to live a healthy lifestyle which consist of daily exercise, eating clean, taking all vitamins and meds and praying.
Thanks for the compliment.
In my opinion Beachbody has THE very best weight loss products around. Would you like to join me on my P90X Journey? Please click the link below to Join My Team or to learn more about the products:
if you were offered 5 million to sleep with someone other than your hubby and he wouldn't know - would you do it?
what odd habit do you have?
if you only had 1 day left on earth - who would you spend it with (other than family and friends)
I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
Check out my dating mis - adventures at:
1.) Jus ChanJ
2.) I dont remember because I made it up to play a prank on someone on here who I felt was doing it to me. Since then, I have told that person that I played the prank on and apologized
3.) Jus ChanJ N Me (I got this one because I deleted Jus ChanJ when James left because I was angry at the way he was being treated)
if you were offered 5 million to sleep with someone other than your hubby and he wouldn't know - would you do it? Hell to the yes!!! He would actually whoop my azz if I didnt.
what odd habit do you have? I pick bumps on my body. I have scars all over my body because of it. Its horrible. I've recently gotten help with it though and I rarely do it now. But I still have the scars.
if you only had 1 day left on earth - who would you spend it with (other than family and friends) There is noone else I would rather spend my last day with besides my family and/or friends.
In my opinion Beachbody has THE very best weight loss products around. Would you like to join me on my P90X Journey? Please click the link below to Join My Team or to learn more about the products: