Itch itch...scratch scratch

Ewwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! stations/
Summer may be over, but bedbugs don't seem to have ended their vacation in New York.
Their latest hideout is the 95,000-square-foot Niketown store in the heart of Midtown Manhattan. Nike told CNN the company closed the store because of the presence of bedbugs. A sign posted over the weekend said the story is "temporarily closed until further notice," according to CNN affiliate WABC.
In a major space like that, seven to 10 days of treatment are recommended to eradicate the vermin, says New York Magazine.
The pest control company Terminix has rated New York the number one bed bug city, according to WABC.
Elsewhere, bedbugs are going back to school: at Lehigh University, four dorm rooms were found to have bedbugs, CNN affiliate WFMZ reported Friday. Those rooms are being treated, Lehigh officials told WFMZ.
Hotel owners and guests alike are freaked out by the possibility of bedbugs. The horror stories are building up on websites such as The Bed Bug Registry and
The bugs leave behind itchy bite marks on the skin, and some people have allergies to them. Bedbugs tend to live within 8 feet of where humans sleep, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
That means that if you're a hotel guest, bedbugs can get in your suitcases and come home with you, says Howard Russell, entomologist with diagnostic services at Michigan State University. You might want to consider keeping your luggage in garbage bags to prevent bedbugs from becoming stowaways.
It's not as easy as just waiting for the critters to die, since bedbugs can live for one year without eating.
Check out this video to find out what the government is doing to combat the problem.
MSW Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass: Eat sensibly & enjoy moderation
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Hey girl long time no see. I'm a germaphobe too but
I have to try and regulate myself cause I can get crazy
about it. I have the same problem with my husband
he will sit on the bed in clothes, he will lay mail or anything
else on the bed. One day with shoes in hand he decided
to get something from his night stand. Will you believe he
sat his shoes on the comforter? When I got through
screaming I was tired but for this guy that don't guarantee
he won't do it again. He has those memory laspes don't
you know? lol
Nice to see you! Gurl....I am not as bad as I used to be. I used to be very obsessive with cleanliness before I had kids. I got to the point where I had to start making little messes for myself as a means of desensitization. When things were out of place, I would go Now its not that bad but I don't like to even think about other folks bodily fluid and dirt anywhere near me. Door knobs and handles are the worse....cause there are some nasty a@ss people out here that NEVER wash their hands.
I remember back in the day....its was the norm for people (especially little old ladies) to come up to little kids and touch their hair, cheeks etc... I guess enough of them got cussed I don't see it happening as! does seem that a lot of men...more so than women.... don't see or care about these issues.
Take it nice and easy....we are almost to the weekend.

I take alcohol and poor it over the faucets,
and toilet seat. I just pour because it dries
quickly. I wipe glasses and lamp switches
and lamp pulls with it and I take sandwich
bags and drop the remote controls in and
zip them up. I shudder to think what could
be on them hands as folk lay up there
watching ***** and stuff!! NOW, the bed
bugsss ...... ewwww!!!