Thorough Thursdays
Here's how it will work: A BAF member will be selected each week. They will submit a profile and then the rest of BAF will get to ask all the questions they want while the selectee is on the 'hot seat'. With the hopes that our selectee will cooperate and answer all!!!!!
It's a great way to get to know someone or just be plain ol' nosy
So with that said.......go ahead and ask her anything you’d like to!
Real name: Marcia - ryhmes with Garcia not that Brady girl
Nicknames: Marci, Cookie, Marshmallow
Ethnicity: Trinidadian/ Panimanian of Yoruba (Nigeria, West Africa) decent
Born: NYC
Residing In: Connecticut and Southern GA (sitting right on the FL border)
Sign: Aquarius
Status: (dating, playa, etc) Varies by my mood at the moment
WLS Status: RNY a year and a half post op
Passions: Wish I had one but I'm still looking
Favorite color: Red, pure without a trace of orange in it
Favorite hobby/ leisure: Reading and enjoying live music, preferably jazz
Favorite food: Hard to say but if I must pick one, Lindt 85% cocoa
Favorite scent: Baby powder oil, the kind the Muslims sell
Family: Yea, I got one. I love them all and I even like most of them.
Occupation: Accounting and finance, retired
Personality: Easy going in some areas and totally neurotic in others. However I've been certified as non psychotic. Yes I've got the papers! LOL!
Inspirations: The lives of those that have endured hardship and thrived inspite of it all.
Motto: I'm slow not stupid.
Fkcu you and the horse you rode in on. (Translation: Enjoy your drama but do not expect my participation. I refuse to allow anyone or anything to steal my joy. )
Anything else you want us to know: I'm sure you folks will leave no stone unturned. I'm not volunteering anything!
I'm torn between Jamaica and Haiti. I've cruised to both islands but never really experienced the places or the people. The stay is so short on a cruise.
I hope to return to Jamaica with one of my best friends, a native Jamaican and the person who was with me start to finish for my RNY. I hope some day to have a Hatian friend to travel with back to Haiti.
Please do not forget that Haiti and her people still needs our finacial support and our prayers.
2. Have any pets? If not, would you get one? What kind?
No pets. I could never see owning one. Sorry animal lovers but critters belong neatly packaged in my grocer's meat case or in the finest of shoes and handbags.
If one was forced on me at gun point I'd take a cat. My daughter had a miserable little beast I took home for her as an abandoned stray kitten. When he died suddenly It really hit me surprisingly hard. I felt such guilt that I did not get him into surgery in time.
That's the second reason for no pets. I could not go through that again. I did not see the beast as a family member but he was an active part of the household. A spoiled rotten pain in the @$$ but he grew on me.
3. Ever meet any from OH?
I've met a few BAF folks and enjoyed their company at our meet and greet in ATL this Spring. MsMD, MsPinkster, MsRoyalFlyness and several others.
I also met many at the OH event in NY last year including MsSassySista and MsMartitalinda. I have some local OH friends MsNewLisaB (some of you know her from singles) and I hang out regularly; and MsKimbelyH (some may know her from R&R) reached out to me as a pre op. She shares my surgeon and works near his office.
I can't wait to m&g again some time. When next I'm passing through and have time to stop I will be looking folks up anywhere between Jacksonville and Boston. I expect the same from anyone traveling to Jacksonville/Valdosta/Tallahassee; or Southern CT.
MSW Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass: Eat sensibly & enjoy moderation
Links: Are you a compulsive eater? for help OA meets on-line Keep Coming Back, One Day At a Time Overeaters Anonymous
As of today I can where all but two of my size zero jeans but only one pair is really comfortable. The size two fits better.
Do you buy bootleg? movies, clothes, purses, etc...
When shopping I search legit. However, I will buy bootleg anything if the quality and price is reasonable. I don't seek out bootleg but if I stumble accross it I check it out.
Which season do you prefer?
The Fall. I love the colors in clothing paired with a deep true red lips and nails. The warmth with that crisp breeze is perfection in the Northeast.
Ayy yo,
MSW, you my friend, strike me as a very bright and smart individual so I'll try to keep it strickly educational with you. Here goes:
1. Science: Do you think that there's life on any of the other known planets in our galaxy or solar system? If so, would they eat a two piece and a biscuit from KFC for lunch?
2. Health: Do people with stinky feet and bad breath irritate you or do you find their combined brand of "been walking quite a few miles" and "sucking on a ****cicle" funk intoxicating?
3. Physical Education: What would Jesus do?
4. Math: If Raheem was Jaleesah's man, but was secretly bangin' her cousin, Roberta while also seeing her bestfriend, Pam on the side, how long would it be before Jaleesah received a "cease and desist" letter and possible stalking charge for just showing up at Raheems job unannounced looking to cut him with big pink rollers in her hair and train smoke coming out of her nose after she got wind of the goings on?
5. Home Economics: How would you describe your style of dress when you go out for a night on the town - "Olly, Olly oxen free from the Goodwill fabulous", "Pimps envy me and ho's ask for tips chic", or "Chile, my mama raised me with some dayum sense casual"?
1. Science: Do you think that there's life on any of the other known planets in our galaxy or solar system? If so, would they eat a two piece and a biscuit from KFC for lunch?
There is most definetly other life out there but I do not believe folks are being abducted for anal probing. It just stands to reason that in a universe so vast other forms of life exist. Perhaps no where near here and never to be encountered but some form of life is out there.
Now if they were to make it to earth I think the Big Mac would be sampled before KFC simply because they would have been monitoring our world and the golden arches are everywhere. I give KFC second place and I think it would be a mixed bucket. A two piece would not satisfy their curiosity having come so far.
2. Health: Do people with stinky feet and bad breath irritate you or do you find their combined brand of "been walking quite a few miles" and "sucking on a ****cicle" funk intoxicating?
More noxious than intoxicating. I despise nasty folks. Throw some baking soda in those shoes and brush those cheesy teeth with it too. Three for a buck at many dollar stores. No excuses.
3. Physical Education: What would Jesus df o?
I'll go with P90X.
4. Math: If Raheem was Jaleesah's man, but was secretly bangin' her cousin, Roberta while also seeing her bestfriend, Pam on the side, how long would it be before Jaleesah received a "cease and desist" letter and possible stalking charge for just showing up at Raheems job unannounced looking to cut him with big pink rollers in her hair and train smoke coming out of her nose after she got wind of the goings on? 5. Home Economics: How would you describe your style of dress when you go out for a night on the town - "Olly, Olly oxen free from the Goodwill fabulous", "Pimps envy me and ho's ask for tips chic", or "Chile, my mama raised me with some dayum sense casual"?
The answer is infinity. If Jaleesah knows how to handle her business his player @$$ will be way too frightened to go to the authorities.
Most definetly closest to the style of "Chile, my mama raised me with some dayum sense casual" I prefer classic clothing with stylish accesories. Channel style jackets, body concious silhuettes, pearls, bold yet taste full accesories...