Freaky Friday......................Without words.........................
I saw a thread on another forum (R&R) some time ago and thought it was kind of fun. So for today lets give Freaky Friday a little twist. You can only use pics or emoticons to express yourself in this thread (no words) BUT the general theme should be "Freaky Friday" or XES. Have fun with it. I'll start.
ETA: Just in case and not to offend anyone. I know that some folks do often ask about how to put pics in messages. So you can use this for future reference as well.
To add a up another browser (Internet Explorer)..not Firefox. Search for your image by searching google at this link:
Once you find your image........right click on it and select COPY. Go to your message in the other browser that you have open and right click any space inside your message box. Select PASTE and wait for a box to open up...then select PASTE again. You will now see your image in your message.
ETA: Just in case and not to offend anyone. I know that some folks do often ask about how to put pics in messages. So you can use this for future reference as well.
To add a up another browser (Internet Explorer)..not Firefox. Search for your image by searching google at this link:
Once you find your image........right click on it and select COPY. Go to your message in the other browser that you have open and right click any space inside your message box. Select PASTE and wait for a box to open up...then select PASTE again. You will now see your image in your message.