Thorough Thursdays
2 - 5 years from now I will be coasting at a gig in mid level management and enjoying a consumer debt free life (just about there now) and cleaning my shotgun collection daily as babygirl will be 16........
I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
Check out my dating mis - adventures at:
If your baby girl could walk away with ONLY one lesson in life that you taught her....what would you want it to be?
Do you give money to beggars? Why or why not?
What would you say is the foulest thing you have ever eaten?
If you found out that your boss had a profile on here, how would Mack Mama interact with him or her?
One lesson........ Never accept anyone else's definition of your worth, character or capability. You ARE whatever you dream, feel and think you are.
I have given money to FEMALE beggars, not men. Why? Cause I am a single parent not receiving any child support - my beggar LIVES with me.
Foulest thing? Recently, spoiled mac and cheese at a friend's b-day party. I had no IDEA she hadn't supervised the food - that was the end of the night for me!
If I found out my boss had a profile on here - I'd be deactivating, deleting and recommisioning my profile - that's too close for comfort! LMAO - There's a former co worker of mine that is on here - she had no CLUE who I was at first, she didn't know this version of 'me' existed! took her months to put it together.... she thought I was quiet and reserved..... I'm a great actress
I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
Check out my dating mis - adventures at:
1 - not unless it's with a NBA player or otherwise well wealthy individual- single parenthood SUCKS!!!
2 - I would never work for myself. Never had a will or want to own my own business. It's too much responsibility. Right now, I am being paid XXXX amount while typing this out to you. If I worked for myself, this would potentially be lost revenue making time - that's too much pressure for me!!!!!
3 - young? wisdom? LOL! sorry - I just find that funny when referencing me. I hate/love to say it, but I've lived several lifetimes in my relatively short amount of time on this earth. My advice and outlook comes from personal, firsthand experience. I wish I wasn't so wise - there's a lot of pain and rain behind that 'wisdom' - much more than I care to admit, more than some people could stand and too much to share all at once. but like Maya A says 'And still I rise!'
4 - HELL NO! lmaooooo - if I were a reformed crackhead, I wouldn't date a reformed crackie either! I only date naturally thin, fit men....and women.....
5 - Now THAT is an interesting question. I don't have one fav artist. My taste is SOOOO all over. Right now - my 'jamz' playlist has Shania Twain, the theme from 'Footloose', Billy Ray Cyrus, Young Jeezy. I also love classical music - I used to play the cello.
I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
Check out my dating mis - adventures at:
Good memory - my granddad. he spoiled me rotten. when i was 12, I couldn't do after school events and such because my mom only had one car. Me and granddad drove past a lot and I saw a blue Jeep Cherokee - I said I wanted it. One week later - he brought it to my house. In that moment, I knew the wishes of my heart weren't ever pipe dreams - I let the 'lid' off of thinking 'oh - I can't have this or that'. From him I really took that I deserve any and everything - I treasure having that as a fundamental part of me.
Bad memory - there was a suede jacket I wanted years ago - my mom bought it for me for Christmas, but I did something bad in school (can't fully remember, but it wasn't the end of the world) and she said I couldn't have it. Well - she didn't return it - she made me look at it for YEARS - it became the 'see what you can't have because I say so' thing. Then when I was WELL grown she tried to give it to me - I told her to keep the dayum thing - SHE should wear it.
Youngest childhood memory - my grandma. she died when I was 5, but took care of me from birth till then. I remember how great I felt with her, how she would drag me around in this lil wagon on wheels, how I would sit on the counter in the liquor store my granddad owned and would help make change and eat pickled pig feet out the jar on the counter. I remember how I missed her when she died. funny - I cant remember her face, her body - I just remember her 'aura' and how I felt with her.
I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
Check out my dating mis - adventures at: