Have you ever?
If you are reaching toward, at, near, or beyond goal.
1. Have you tried to encourage someone to loose weight and have them get mad at you?
2. Have you ever based friendships or relationships with a person on size?
3. Have you ever avoided conversations with someone because of their appearance?
4. Have you ever been walking down the street and saw someone who is morbidly obese or extremely thin and found yourself starring?
I have done some of these things since losing. In some cases I was just trying to help, in other cases I was just trying to avoid an awkward situation. What do you think?
2. I used to try avoiding friendships with smaller women cause I didn't want to be the big mama of the pack. I never cared about them being bigger.
3. I avoided talking to someone who looks dirty.
4. I admit I have but not for long I didn't make any faces or gestures or comments. (I did thank God it wasn't me anymore)
I hae had these things done to me in the past and I'm sure some of you have too.
No I try to make it a point not to encourage people about having WLS. I feel we all had to get there in our own way/own time. However, I have noticed that some [jealous] family members will roll their eyes and sigh heavily when they hear me discussing my WLS or some aspect of it.
2. Have you ever based friendships or relationships with a person on size?
I've tried to create a few friendships solely because of the whole WLS/support thing. Some are great, but I have come away from some of those support discussions imagining that some of those people are still way too deep in there shells to be really open about WLS support or they are just plain crazy.

3. Have you ever avoided conversations with someone because of their appearance?
Nah. Me and my crew grew up playing freeze tag with winos so I'll stop and kick with just about anybody. 'God made dirt and dirt don't hurt" was our motto.
4. Have you ever been walking down the street and saw someone who is morbidly obese or extremely thin and found yourself starring?
Yeah. When that happens, two thoughts go through my head:
1. I used to be like that person.
2. I hope that person is at least looking into some sort of WLS or weight reduction of some sort.
For # 4 you didn't give your opinion on someone who is extremely thin, but I too look at a person that's morbidly obese and hope that they are looking to improve their health cause I used to be there. There are alot of reasons why people do what they do, some good some bad, I just wanted to get you guys' perspective
1. Crackhead
2. Meth patient
3. Their man left them and they're suicidal.
4. Their public assistance got cut off and they're homicidal.
5. Heroin user
6. Breaking and Entering artist
Thin-azz supermodels and thin-for-no-good-reason people don't come to the hood, Yo, and fat people don't shimmy up fire escapes or try and climb through bathroom windows.

on 9/1/10 4:47 am
If you are reaching toward, at, near, or beyond goal.
1. Have you tried to encourage someone to loose weight and have them get mad at you?
2. Have you ever based friendships or relationships with a person on size?
3. Have you ever avoided conversations with someone because of their appearance?
4. Have you ever been walking down the street and saw someone who is morbidly obese or extremely thin and found yourself starring?
I have done some of these things since losing. In some cases I was just trying to help, in other cases I was just trying to avoid an awkward situation. What do you think?
2) Nope
3) Nope
4) Nope. Probably because I am that M.O. person walking down the street.
1 - hell no - mofos hate to go head to head with me cause exercise is required and so far, no one can out 'gym' me. I got one friend trying - but I am putting the finishing touches on my new program and she ain't got a chance!
2 - yep. Cause skinny hoes used to **** me off taking me everywhere so THEY could look cute and now I don't **** with big girls cause I hear the 'if I was small like you' all the ****** time. If a chick could just HOLD HER OWN and chill - I'd be cool. I also can't date big dudes - but I never have. The FWB dude I was boffing before surgery wigged out talking all 'you gon get small and not want me later' before I got chopped - I was like - 'naw - I got a whole OTHER list of reasons not to want your ass - timing has little to do with it'
3 - Yep! Sho have. If you look crazy and we talk and you ask me what I think bout how you look - Imma tell you SKRAIT to yo face..... you look crazy as Jack Nic in the Shining......
4 - Hmmm- is it staring if you have on mirror shades and don't turn your head in their direction, just follow with your eyes?

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
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