Don't miss your moment to encourage someone
I decided to rededicate myself to my gym routine in early Dec last year. That meant getting up at 4 or so AM and heading into the gym. I thought I wouldn't be able to stick to it at first, but in my first week of going three times, there was something - or rather someone - that struck me. One particular lady was always there by the time I got there. She is shorter than me, but had to be about 300lbs. She was in there every morning, on the elliptical or machines - sweating and putting her work down.
Over these months (9 now), I have watched her shrink, watched her still be in the gym before me, watched her work and sweat and get it done. I've wanted to walk over to her and tell her that I've noticed, that she is what makes me drag ass in, cause every time I didn't wanna go but pushed myself, she was there already and that I promised myself that if she can get it in, *I* can get it in.
About 2 weeks ago - I really, really, really wanted to say something - I even thought about asking the front desk to put her next month's dues on my tab as my silent Good Samaritan 'thank you' for her being my reason to get in and stay in the gym. But I brushed it off and said to myself 'I'll catch her next time'. In the back of my mind, I have been worried that she might slack off - she's lost a LOT and I'm betting some dude has come into her life and in classic 'us' fashion - she might lose her will because she thinks she 'made it'. I know that's what happened to me in all those past years.
Anyway - I thought the better of saying anything, and now, for the past two weeks, I haven't seen her at all. I have entered the gym, swiped my barcode, and anxiously scanned the cardio machines, hoping to see her do-rag and sweats, legs pumping away on the elliptical or on the treadmill. No such luck. I'm disappointed every time - I really hope she's just changed her schedule and is still on the grind. I can't help but think how I should have opened my mouth and said 'You inspire me' to her when I had the chance and it was on my mind and heart.
So, family - don't hold your tongue, don't miss your chance to pat someone on the back and let them know YOU notice. You never know what you will inspire, confirm or breathe life into a person from your gesture and just like you need encouragement, you gotta pay it forward and pass it on to keep things going.
I'll be in the gym tomorrow morning at 5am - and I'll still keep looking for ole girl - I really hope I see her soon.
...... that is all.

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
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seriously, i hope you see her again so that you can give her that well deserved pat on the back!
"If you want to go forward, you put the car in D. If you want to go backward, you put the car in R." ~ President B. Obama
*shug from color purple voice* See Tay? Sinners have soul too.........

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
Check out my dating mis - adventures at:
I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
Check out my dating mis - adventures at:
Just keep dedicating yourself to stay in the gym because you may be the someone that someone is inspired by.
That's why I am going to continue to ride my bike even in the cold because I know someone is watching. And if they are not, I have convinced myself that someone is and I don't want to let them down. (that mindset keeps me going)
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and yep - someone sees you on your bike - and they are moved to keep up just cause you are. Funny how you touch people and never realize it.
I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
Check out my dating mis - adventures at:
it's only 9.99 a month for one club access - 30 for all club..... I can handle that! LOL
I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
Check out my dating mis - adventures at: