covert message???
I have to admit...I'm a bit sensitive about "covert messages" these days. I hear a lot of it from the likes of Limbaugh, Beck, Palin, Fox News..."Dr Laura"...etc, etc,...
I visited a "conservative" news site today and saw the below photo, which was the main photo coming into the site.
Am I reading too much into it...or is there a subliminal message in the photo???

I visited a "conservative" news site today and saw the below photo, which was the main photo coming into the site.
Am I reading too much into it...or is there a subliminal message in the photo???

Shoot to kill retards in lil blue helmets.......
Shoot to kill retards in lil blue helmets.......

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
Check out my dating mis - adventures at: question is and always will be where were all these people when the former administration was "screwing" up? SMH and walking away while as I pray the President O gets elected for another term.
People are so worried about what they eat between Christmas and the New Year, but they really should be worried about what they eat between the New Year and Christmas. ~Author Unknown

Why is our Pres riding his daughter's bike is all I want to know (it does have a p*ssy Surely...he can afford his own bike. As for the pics...yeah...those conservative butt holes are making an inside joke(or perhaps a solicitation

LOL @ Pres riding his daughter's bike...
You know I have to disagree, there is no covert message. They are saying how they feel loud and proud. They think there is nothing we can do about it and I pray they are wrong.
August 28 is a special day for me. Not only was my mother born, which led to saintly lil ole me, but 47 years ago she marched with people with a cause on Washington. However Saturday saddened me. Yes we rallied and had notables give speeches but instead being about our collective dreams, how we can move forward towards peace and harmony amongst ourselves first then with the others, the speeches were focused on what Becky Sue and Grandma Palin.
Why did we let them steal our joy? Why didn't we move forward with our own agenda? Why did we allow them to take our dream?
No there is nothing covert about their thoughts, actions or agenda. They are doing just what they please and the saddest thing of all is that we are letting them.
You know I have to disagree, there is no covert message. They are saying how they feel loud and proud. They think there is nothing we can do about it and I pray they are wrong.
August 28 is a special day for me. Not only was my mother born, which led to saintly lil ole me, but 47 years ago she marched with people with a cause on Washington. However Saturday saddened me. Yes we rallied and had notables give speeches but instead being about our collective dreams, how we can move forward towards peace and harmony amongst ourselves first then with the others, the speeches were focused on what Becky Sue and Grandma Palin.
Why did we let them steal our joy? Why didn't we move forward with our own agenda? Why did we allow them to take our dream?
No there is nothing covert about their thoughts, actions or agenda. They are doing just what they please and the saddest thing of all is that we are letting them.
Imagery means a lot. A picture is worth a thousand and one words.
Russia has been actively boosting Putin's "Macho Man & Tough Guy" image despite his position. Maybe Mediev could use a boost in that arena. Hell, who's running that place? I've seen Putin (with is short self) riding horses, shooting guns, fly fishing topless, and rising a Harley (it was trike, but still). It's been working there too and will work anywhere. I remember an interview Putin did where he said he didn't trust anybody. And the interviewer said what about your wife and Putin just repeated his statement... I was like that man is hard as a rock....He can't be like that with his woman. The KGB made that.
President Obama should take a page from that book and start doing some manly things. Even taking the girls with him. I met a little girl that told me she liked to go deer hunting w/her dad. I was like,"Oh really?" And she said the hardest part is skinning it and cutting it up to get it into the cooler quick.

President Obama also needs to get rid of the snitches in his administration, like yesterday. Remember when that Clinton aide was found in his car, dead. Ummm hmm. I ain't sayin' kill nobody but, those MF's need to be "got" and made sure they won't talk. Don't start none and there won't be none. Nobody is watching his back there. NOBODY!! And if that are they have some missing or weak links that need to be closed up. Where are his friends??? Everybody want something, I bet.
President Obama (or his PR staff) need to work on that. The image makes him look weak just becasue he is for peace. A peaceful man can be very strong and persuasive and Obama needs to get on that. "Walk softly and carry a BIG stick." I don't know where that saying came from, but get on it Barry.
That's all i'mma say about that.

Ok - now I gotta disagree.
I don't think 'manly' activities are the mark of a man. How many Black girls have daddies that CAN ride their bike with them or for them? How many Black girls have fathers that can swim with them or sun with them? I actually appreciate the fact that Obama is modeling some of the things that are still needed in the image of 'fatherhood' - press and public opinion be dayumed. All Sasha and Melia know is their daddy was cool enough to show them how to ride their bikes. My father, on the other hand - never bought me one, showed me jack of how to ride - hell - mofo wasn't even ever around - I couldn't pick him out of a LINEUP much less front page news......
I don't think 'manly' activities are the mark of a man. How many Black girls have daddies that CAN ride their bike with them or for them? How many Black girls have fathers that can swim with them or sun with them? I actually appreciate the fact that Obama is modeling some of the things that are still needed in the image of 'fatherhood' - press and public opinion be dayumed. All Sasha and Melia know is their daddy was cool enough to show them how to ride their bikes. My father, on the other hand - never bought me one, showed me jack of how to ride - hell - mofo wasn't even ever around - I couldn't pick him out of a LINEUP much less front page news......
I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions! I'm saving on the newsstand price.......
Check out my dating mis - adventures at:
Imagery is everything. President Obama does not need to portray himself as the perfect Black father because of issues w/in the Black community that have yet to be seriously addressed. All talk and no action in black communities. It seems phony and he is to lead our nation, all of us. He does not have to be the role model for dysfunctional Black males in America. People know right from wrong and the fathers, uncles, male cousins, etc need to step up and be real men and stop all the bull **** Black folk and others always think Black folk need a leader. Like we are "children" and can't make appropriate decisions.
My mom was a single parent and as much as I wanted a good father figure as a child, I am not living in la-la land watching our President be degraded, however subtle. Even comparing him to assasinated presidents/persons. He is the leader of this nation, of all of us. I get tired of people (some military) commenting that since he is not a vet he should not be leader of military. WTF?? It's bull **** and I really don't know what these conniving people really have on their minds.
As far as manly things go, he CAN do other stuff and the PR person needs to get on that. He can play b-ball, bbq on the lawn, play dominos or cards w/the fellas whatever. Maybe he can go hiking and bird watching. I think I saw him golfing once in a pic and he was criticized for that. If he just likes the water, try surfing. I'm not suggesting that he needs to be photographed topless. They just need to do something about his image and that can be addressed in more than one way.