I'll let technology deliver the 'you're fat' news......
LOL - until the scale says different - I'm no pleased. And I don't care that there's a limited number of 210lb mofos that can run 3 miles in 40 min and not need a crash cart and close hospital access.......

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If it's seriously important to you, DEXA is supposed to be the most accurate method currently available.
I would suggest that you might want to consider using the numbers that you get from this test as a baseline for comparison with a less expensive method like a bioelectrical impedance scale that you can use at home whenever you like.
My Tanita scale tells weight and percentage of body fat. I have to enter my height and gender. Accuracy is affected by how much water is in your system so you have to be strict and consistent with the conditions in which you take your measurements or your readings will be off.
ETA: This is the kind of scale my endocrinologist used.
Bioelectrical Impedence
Description: By standing barefoot on metal foot plates, an undetectably low voltage electric current is sent up one leg and down the other. Since fat is a very poor conductor of electricity, a lot of fat will impede the current more so than a lot of lean tissue. By measuring the resistance to the current, the machine estimates the percent body fat.
How accurate is it? BIA accuracy, if done correctly on properly operating equipment, is approximately +/- 3%. However, accuracy is dependant upon several client-based variables. It is recommended the following guidelines be followed:
- Abstain from eating and drinking within 4 hours of the test
- Avoid exercising within 12 hours of the test
- Void (urinate) completely prior to testing
- Do not drink alcohol within 48 hours of the test
- Avoid taking diuretics prior to testing unless instructed by your physician
- Requires little or no technical knowledge of the operator or the client
- Testing itself takes less than a minute
- The unit can be easily transported from place to place
- Requires only an electrical outlet and the machine itself
- This method has a higher standard error range than most people desire
- Tends to consistently overestimate lean people and underestimate obese people
- The accuracy BIA does have is very dependant on multiple variables which may be hard to control for some people
- BIA machines can be purchased for home use for anywhere between $100-$400.
- To be measured on a machine at a school or club, prices range from free to $30 per use.
This recent gain is really bugging me and the better I get at running, the heavier I seem to be getting - and THAT is driving me insane - that can't be an ongoing trend - or I would be the fattest mofo to set a world's record in the 100 meter dash........ LOL!!!
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"If you want to go forward, you put the car in D. If you want to go backward, you put the car in R." ~ President B. Obama
My basal calorie burn for my weight is 2200 cal - my runs burn about 500 cal - so that is 2700 calories on a run day, 2200 on a sit on my behind day.
Even with my worst cheating, I don't go past 2500 - 2750 calories.
I do eat all during the day - as in a banana mid morning, PB crackers in the afternoon - lunch is typically a 400-500cal event
The ONE thing I can think of that I need to work on is not eating after 7pm and getting in no less than 100 oz of water EVERYDAY.
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But if you are within your calories then necessarily you shouldn't have to worry about eating after 7. I know there are various trains of thought on that but unless you are eating almost ALL your calories after 7pm it shouldn't be a problem....
I have been noticing my hands are swollen when I wake up in the morning - I'm thinking something is going on and I'm retaining fluid for some reason.
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