From the "Lawd, will this chile shuddup please..." dept.
Overdose No Accident, Says Fantasia – 'I Wanted Out'
Two weeks after being hospitalized for overdosing on aspirin and a sleep aid, singer Fantasia Barrino says it was no accident. She wanted to die.
Don't say that. Please don't admit to that.
She continues: "I just sat in the closet and looked at the mirror and took all the pills in the bottle. I wanted to go to sleep and just be at peace. I knew exactly what I was doing. You can't accidentally take a whole bottle of pills."
OMG! You didn't just say that did you?! Just wait until your local Sheriff's department slaps you with a notice to appear in court for trying to kill yourself. Haven't you heard that it's still illegal to try and take a life - even your own life? You can be tried and put into prison for that.Seriously.
Please go back and fire your current publicist, your manager, and anybody else hovering around you like vultures that can't give you better advice than what you've been getting obviously and hire someone who has a clue.
In the words of your brother from your TV show, "Taysha, you changeded since yoo wunt da Ida. You did. You did, Taysha..."
Not to mention, losing her child. When you come out and admit "I wanted to die" people have a tendency to not want to leave minor children in your care. She needs help. Its sad. She is a woman of God and I hope she turns back to God and gets the help she needs. She may have slipped (speaking as one who lives in a glass house...I throw no stones) and was with a man she should not have been with but regardless of that fact, it's devastating to loose someone you love. She needs to get some therapy and be surrounded by people who TRULY love her.
When you come out and admit "I wanted to die" people have a tendency to not want to leave minor children in your care.
Yep. I agree. When you're in the "public's eye" like that you have to have a superb team of folks handling what you want said outside of your music. Once you put it out there that you wanted to end it all, you can't yell "Do over!" or hit the reset button when folks start labelling you as someone who doesn't have it all together.
I really do feel that the guy who she was with most-likely didn't come clean about his "situation" and as a result she got a bad break. Unfortunately she got caught up in the drama out of love for him. Sad.
I'm not sure she has the expert PR people who handle her career, at least not the ones she should have. She may be relying on people who are using her just as he did. Agreed. Time to fire the dead weight and get some experts on board to can squash this. This is what is wrong with "over night" success. When you don't come up through the ranks (learning your craft the hard, old fashioned way, with bit parts and off, off, off Broadway rolls and singing back up on everybody album and touring as a back up singer) you don't know how to handle yourself in this business. It's a brutal business to be and people are out to suck you dry. I'm just praying for the girl.
Yeah ya can't go get the "Do It Yourself Press Kit for Dummies" to try and tame this beast in America called "The Media." Those folks will pounce on anything and everything that you say. You can't just divulge what really took place on the night/day in question and hope for the best. It doesn't work that way. Shout out to Tiger Woods by the way. He tried that and his golf game hasn't been the same since.
We were shooting her Brother's Video, with VH1 for her 2nd season, while this was happening that monday. Ricco, left to go check on her, Teeny.. kept shooting the video.
Media spins everything, and actually, its the PR that is playing on most of this.. .... the result MORE PUBLICITY.
BTW her album drops tomorrow.