The doctor is out (of her dayum mind)
Ayy yo,
So there I was on my way to sign up for Birdman Doug's free bird watching cllinic when I clicked a wrong link and noticed the following headline:
Sarah Palin comes to Dr. Laura’s defense
The article went on to say:
The Alaskan has taken to Twitter to offer encouraging words to Dr. Laura, tweeting, “Dr.Laura:don't retreat...reload!"
Hold up, Yo! Pistol Packin Palin?! Grandma Sarah?! Is she the one advocating the use of the dreaded N-word as a part of Freedom of Speech and then wants to be OUR president someday? Is she for real? Since she is positioning herself as a champion for women's causes, I didn't see her coming out in support for Ms. Sherrod a few short weeks ago. Guess ya gotta be a woman with a radio show in order for her to do that I guess.
And why is everything a gun-fight with this chick? She must've been a wild wild west gunslinger in another life. Do we really need America's children looking up to someone who speaks so violently? Couldn't get a gangsta-rap two CD deal huh, Sarah?
Where do you stand on this one BAF? Holla atcha boy.
As for Dr. Talkshyt-nonothin', she just needs a good ole fashion wet sneaker slap across her mouth! Maybe it'll knock some damn sense into that stupid quiff!
Ewwwee..can you tell I have not had coffee yet??!!

That's the thing with these "wanna-be's" that suddenly spring up in pop-culture. They wanna-be the God-sends to the masses that they are in their own minds but don't wanna-be held accountable for the hurtful things that they say to select members within that same mass. Case in point, it's fine for them to yell freedom of speech in regards to using the N-word, because the N-words use it amongst themselves all the time don't they. However, when Grandma Sarah was on the campaign trail not too long ago she was the one saying no one has the right to freedom of speech in regards to her son Trig, who has Down Syndrome. Ya can't have it both ways.

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Palin-goes without saying, but beyond that specific to this incident clearly she is not aware that "Dr" Laura talked **** about her when McCain picked her as his running mate. She has also said some very ugly things about special needs kids which I guess Sarah hasn't heard. Once again team Sara has done no research, has no clue and has spoken out of its ass. She takes any excuse to rail against "them" whomever "them" may be at the time. She is the ultimate mob mentality bandwagon jumper and she's an idiot.
I agree with you though, everything is violence and hostility with her. Wsup w'dat? Given what she claims to stand for and how pissy she gets over people being "mean", that's funny. And not funny ha ha.
Furthermore and for the record. The 1st amendment ALSO speaks to freedom of religion and rights to assembly. This basically prohibits the government from establishing a "national religion" and persecuting religious minorities. It also allows for muthafuckas like the tea party to have their lil soirees and protects the press.
It's funny to me how these assclowns focus on the one piece that they feel applies to them at the time and ignore all of the rest.
Their beloved 1st amendment that they feel gives them the right to say "n*gger" also gives our "n*gger" president the right to be the Muslim that they claim he is. The proof of "Christianity" that they demand of him is illegal. Not only that, but not even 50 years ago they had an issue with JFK being Catholic, which, last time I checked actually qualified as "Christian"
It is never too late to be what you might have been
~George Eliot