Open letter to Montana Fishburne...

(deactivated member)
on 8/12/10 12:28 am, edited 8/12/10 12:39 am

Ayy yo,

Montana Fishburne, you have brought shame and dishonor on not only yourself, your family, but the entire female race for your attempt at becoming a p*rn queen.

Speaking strictly here as the father of two little girls who I know have no idea just who the fugg you are, I can tell you here and now that they will know, when the time is right mind you, just how low you've stooped in trying to hurt your father and you will be held up as a true and dirty example of how a girl-turned-woman should NOT act and carry herself when trying desperately to become famous and be seen, by going out like a **** when you're connected to such a talented and powerful member of your family. 

I find it utterly incomprehensible as to what may have been going through your gott-dayum head when the idea first hatched itself for you to launch your career in the p*rn industry by trading inconspicuously off of your father's stardom in the movie industry.  Let's face it shall we.  It's not like you're going to suck a d!ck so well or do an anal scene so heinous that it would totally seperate you from your father so stop saying that this wasn't done to include or hurt him.  I swear if he was Japaneses and living in Japan, they would have handed him a sword and told him to kill himself for the shame that YOU brought on the Fishburne house. 

The only reason that I personally don't chime in with my raw-dawg take on some of the butt jokes aimed at you that have been quickly going around ever since you started this farce is simply because of the respect that I have for Mr. Fishburne, your father, and the work that he has done in Hollywood ever since I first saw him as a young kid on the silver screen in "Cornbread, Earl, and me..."

Now I'm not naive, I know that p*rn has been around since "like forever" as you young kids say these days but Dayum, there are still standards that should be upheld and protocol that needs to be followed.  If your father publicly denounces or disowns you then he'll look like the bad guy and you and your cause will somehow be vindicated.  On the otherhand, if he publicly embraces you but not your efforts, then that'll give your production team the green light to start having you star in p*rn titles based on movies he's starred in (ie. "The xeS Matrix", "What's p*ssy got to do with it", "Boyz in da *****" and so on.)

Montana and all of you other young impressionable women out there, think, thiNK, THINK!  You don't have to do this.  You shouldn't have to do this.  Now go ask yourself just why are you doing this.  Do yourself a favor and drop out of the business, have facial reconstruction surgery to erase what you used to look like and most importantly have your tubes tied, clipped, and burnt so that you don't accidentally breed and have other dumb-azzes like yourself making dumb-azz decisions to bare their dumb-azzes for profit on the planet. 

on 8/12/10 12:53 am

MAN – you ain’t kiddin!!!!


While I am a customer of the p*rn industry – I would never work IN it and I would end up in jail for all the physical violence committed on her, the producer, the agent and whatever other mofo got her involved in that bull……


I love me some Larry – and as an actor – he’s amazing – as a daddy…… he failed.  

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions!  I'm saving on the newsstand price.......

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(deactivated member)
on 8/12/10 12:59 am
as a daddy…… he failed.  

  You nailed it.  That's exactly how I felt.  My boy failed big time. 

Though I wonder how much of it was his fault though?  I mean how bad a father do you have to be in order for your kid to pull one of those (a la Chris Rock comedy bit) "I'll show you...  I'm gonna become a p*rn star..." ?
on 8/12/10 1:03 am
She was livin in his house....

his fault.  Period. 

IF she was 'estranged' and never ever raised by him - okay - I'll give you a pass, some groupie decided to get some DNA and get a check - but you never actually participated in the raising.... can't be mad.  But when you let the lil heffa in yo crib and the AC on that azz, the water on that pimply booty and the roof over that empty head YOU pay for - you own the mistakes.

Possession is 9/10ths of the law - if she on your property - she's YOURS.

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions!  I'm saving on the newsstand price.......

Check out my dating mis - adventures at:

(deactivated member)
on 8/12/10 1:32 am
the roof over that empty head YOU pay for 

 True dat.  True dat.
on 8/12/10 1:02 am
This letter writer went a bit to far.   I don't think Montana has disgraced all women, she is a young girl that made a huge mistake, but her error does not affect my womanhood in the least.

I think it was stupid of course, but the end of this letter is ridiculous, facial reconstruction, tubes tied.  Come On.

Leave her alone, so what she had sex on tape and showed her buck shots, her dad will live.

I doubt she will get famous from this, she is not white enough and there lies the shame.
Salty Pickle a.k.a.  Lee
(deactivated member)
on 8/12/10 1:30 am
I hear you but as a father I can't see how her "stunt" has somehow advanced the strides made by women or, for that matter, see how she should be regarded as someone other females should look up or regard as a trailblazer or trend setter.  So if she's not part of the solution, then she's part of the problem.   
on 8/12/10 1:58 am
Nope her stunt does nothing for the advancement of women, but a 19 year old silly girl is not going to be the unraveling of any women's movement either.    Hopefully no one will look up to her, but chances are there will be some that will.

Instead of anything serious, I find it all kind of funny, especially now that she is refering to her ass buck shots as her leopard spots.   
Salty Pickle a.k.a.  Lee
(deactivated member)
on 8/12/10 2:25 am

I find it all kind of funny, especially now that she is refering to her ass buck shots as her leopard spots.   

Perhaps she's just doing that because she can probably tell that her "debut" is not being taken seriously and is really being laughed at.  So she's just laughing right along with them as long as it keeps her in the spotlight for another 30 seconds of her 15 minutes of fame.

Birdman D.
on 8/12/10 2:14 am - Nappytown

I'm not seeing how folks are so ready to say "the father failed"...with a certain amount of absoluteness...???

I can't begin to think of the number of families I've seen where kids grew up in a very good home...with very good mothers and very good fathers...and some of the kids come out "up standing"...and some of the kids come out "cracked up".

no matter how well the upbringing...people still have volition...and have the will and the right to make their own decisions...

using the same "failed father" logic...if applied across the board...would imply that the Living Father of Heaven is a "failed father" also...because His children be messing up...


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