Daily Inspiration for August 7, 2010
Stay focused.
Life is full of distractions. Your company is downsizing, your debt has become unmanageable, your basement has flooded again--the list is endless.
What is the one thing that would make all this worse? You know all too well. Being obese and ill. Certainly, life can hand us whoppers--challenges beyond what we feel we can handle--but most of your stresses are distractions from what is truly important. Most of them need to take second place to your health.
Action for the day: Are you allowing life's distractions to interfere with living the lifestyle (physically, mentally, and spiritually) that will keep you healthy in the long run? In your journal, write a list of the distractions that are robbing you of the success you desire. Resolve not to let distractions steal your resolve.
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