Birdman D.
on 7/28/10 12:09 am - Nappytown Default.aspx


Male Indigo BuntingSeen from a distance or in poor light, this month’s Bird of the Month just seems like a small, dark bird. But seen at close range and in good light, this bird’s appearance can be almost breathtaking. This month’s featured bird is the Indigo Bunting.

With such a pretty name, you’d expect a pretty bird…and you’d not be disappointed.  The deep velvet blue feathers of the Indigo Bunting sets this bird apart indeed.  (The deep velvet blue of the male…that is!  So void of distinguishing field marks, the female Indigo Bunting hardly seems to even be a member of the same species of bird.  Which is actually a very good thing, as the female spends her time trying to stay concealed as she incubates eggs and cares for the young.  And indeed, she is not often seen, but even when seen, she is easily overlooked.  I've added a second picture to this BOTM so you can see the contrast between the male and female.)

With his astonishing beauty, the male Indigo Bunting seems to know his beauty, and glorify in it, by singing persistently.  At a recent picnic at Fort Harrison State Park, I could hear an Indigo Bunting singing nearby as soon as I walked up.  (The mnemonic often used for identifying their paired call is, “fire; fire; where? where? here; here; see it? see it?")  I arrived at the picnic at about 11:30AM and that bird sang almost without ceasing until I left at 3:00PM.

Female Indigo BuntingAn interesting piece of information about the Indigo Bunting is the fact that its color is actually not blue at all, but black...(believe it or not).  The blue color is generated by the diffraction of light through their feathers which makes them appear blue.  Because of this, they can appear as shades from turquoise to shades of black, depending on how the light hits them.  So this beautiful blue-feathered display can actually be seen as a trick of nature.

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on 7/28/10 12:25 am - Mesa, AZ
Very interesting Doug. Such a beautiful bird.  Isn't the male often more brightly colored in order to draw attention from predators away from the female, the female essentially being less expendable than the male?

Love is all there is, ever was or ever will be...  

Birdman D.
on 7/28/10 12:38 am - Nappytown
Hi Glamazon...

You're right. The female is "less expendable" than the male.

The males attract attention with song and display not only to draw attention away from the female...but they do it also to attract females for mating, and to mark their territory from other males of the same species.

While male birds do indeed "seem" to glory in their beauty sometimes...I believe...the female birds are very appreciative of the way God has designed them. When her "Enemy" comes. When those who "seek to destroy" her come. She gives God saying..."Lord, I'm glad you made me just the way you made me. You've made me to blend in and be safe in a very dangerous situation." (A short excerpt of a book I'm working

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on 7/28/10 1:03 am - Mesa, AZ
Oh I love it and so true. Congratulations Doug. I'm anxious to see your book come to fruition. I agree.  Women in particular, often do not see ourselves as God sees us and assume we are not beautiful because we do not live up to some unrealistic standard that we have created in our minds. But we are beautiful because He made us in His image and He lives within us. Plain Jane or not.  I have to stop myself more often than I like to admit and remind myself of that. Even though I do not like the wrinkles and rolls God sees me as beautiful, so therefore I am.  Thanks for the info Doug. Keep us posted on the book!!

Love is all there is, ever was or ever will be...  

Birdman D.
on 7/28/10 1:14 am - Nappytown
All my BAF friends get signed copies..........but book still must be paid for........

(We always looking for a "hook-up".........)

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on 7/28/10 2:19 am - Mesa, AZ
Oh I ain't mad 'atcha. I don't blame you! I will be the first in line for my copy:)

Love is all there is, ever was or ever will be...  

Kim B.
on 7/28/10 12:25 am - OH
 Hey's it going with you?

The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate. - Oprah Winfrey


Birdman D.
on 7/28/10 12:39 am - Nappytown
I'm doing OK Kim......blessings to you my friend.

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Ms. Ang
on 7/28/10 6:27 am - Transplanted Motown to the Big Country, TX
That's one of my favorite birds, along with the Cedar Waxwing.
angelique01.gif And daniel04.gif

Birdman D.
on 7/28/10 7:47 pm - Nappytown
I love Cedar Waxwings too Ang!!!

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