Fake Christian
Who are hearers of the word, but not doers of it. Who have a hardened heart, walk in the flesh, are unforgiving, unloving, speak curses over themselves and everyone around them and who's lives do not line up with the word of God....and (like Mack said) don't EVEN get me started on those who don't tithe, give offerings, try help someone out...but wonder why God isn't moving in their lives!! 

Interesting question. Fake Christian....not a real Christian.
We have definitionS for everything and opinions about behavior. Behavior is important but it does not tell us what a person really believes.
Christian...Christ like....I have seen some people who display the behavior Christ would have displayed and did not confess Christianity.... Hmmm so......we have to dig further than that. The word Christian was an insult it was to poke fun at all those who followed Christ. So it is possible to have the behavior of Christ (Morally right, treat people right)and not be a Christian....therefore fake (not real) that could possibly be a fake christian in someone's eyes.....
When we say a fake Christian many times it is meant of someone who says (confesses) to be a Christian but does not live up to what the WORLD says a Christian is.....
Fake .....is in the eyes of the one that is judging. We determine someone to be fake or a phony because of something they do or say....In all actually we don't know the heart. I always say everybody on the pews ain't real and everybody on the dance floor, sitting at the bar, or in the motel, aint fake....We cannot judge people by the content of their character....Many have a good heart but they have not made the connection of which priorities or the right priorities..Does this make them fake...no it makes them weak, in need of teaching and discipline.
I personally believe that a fake Christian is one who proclaims they are a Christian and in their heart of hearts they know that they are not and do not care to be.....
Just because A person has issues and have not allow the Lord to help them with their issues does not make them fake.
But a person who knows that they intend to and will perpetrate a fraud with the intent of trying to deceive someone about their religious views or relationship is a fraud, a fake.
I was trying to say this in as few words as possible....we must remember that because people have sin in their lives does not make them fake. We have all sinned and come short of his Glory. I love the Lord with every fiber of my being, and I fall short all the time, Sometimes because I just am tired of being nice...sometimes because I stump my toe, sometimes because I just want to...sometimes because I allow something or someone to push my buttons, many times because I fail to do what was assigned to my hands to do.....Thanks be to GOD that HIS Love for me is so much that HE looks beyond my faults and see my needs, His spirit causesrepentance to come into my heart and thus once again My slate is clean and I can move forward on my journey......there is nothing FAKE about that!
We have definitionS for everything and opinions about behavior. Behavior is important but it does not tell us what a person really believes.
Christian...Christ like....I have seen some people who display the behavior Christ would have displayed and did not confess Christianity.... Hmmm so......we have to dig further than that. The word Christian was an insult it was to poke fun at all those who followed Christ. So it is possible to have the behavior of Christ (Morally right, treat people right)and not be a Christian....therefore fake (not real) that could possibly be a fake christian in someone's eyes.....
When we say a fake Christian many times it is meant of someone who says (confesses) to be a Christian but does not live up to what the WORLD says a Christian is.....
Fake .....is in the eyes of the one that is judging. We determine someone to be fake or a phony because of something they do or say....In all actually we don't know the heart. I always say everybody on the pews ain't real and everybody on the dance floor, sitting at the bar, or in the motel, aint fake....We cannot judge people by the content of their character....Many have a good heart but they have not made the connection of which priorities or the right priorities..Does this make them fake...no it makes them weak, in need of teaching and discipline.
I personally believe that a fake Christian is one who proclaims they are a Christian and in their heart of hearts they know that they are not and do not care to be.....
Just because A person has issues and have not allow the Lord to help them with their issues does not make them fake.
But a person who knows that they intend to and will perpetrate a fraud with the intent of trying to deceive someone about their religious views or relationship is a fraud, a fake.
I was trying to say this in as few words as possible....we must remember that because people have sin in their lives does not make them fake. We have all sinned and come short of his Glory. I love the Lord with every fiber of my being, and I fall short all the time, Sometimes because I just am tired of being nice...sometimes because I stump my toe, sometimes because I just want to...sometimes because I allow something or someone to push my buttons, many times because I fail to do what was assigned to my hands to do.....Thanks be to GOD that HIS Love for me is so much that HE looks beyond my faults and see my needs, His spirit causesrepentance to come into my heart and thus once again My slate is clean and I can move forward on my journey......there is nothing FAKE about that!
I really appreciate everyone's input. It's well received...
For me? Basically...I'm don't have enough information to tell the difference between real believers and fake believers.
I do however praise a God who looks at the heart!!! Not just on appearances...as man can only do....
God knows who His real believers are...(and some of them may seem fake to us).
God knows also...who's faking the funk...(and some of them may seem real to us).
...many will say in that day, "Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your Name? Did we not cast out demons in Your Name? Did we not perform many miracles in Your Name? Did we not tithe in Your Name? Did we not give alms in Your Name? Did we not help the little old lady across the street? Did we not sing in the choir? Did we not preach? Did we not go to VBS? We didn't miss one Sunday service? And the Lord will say, "Depart from me...I never knew you..."
(my paraphrase of Jesus words in the Gospels)
For me? Basically...I'm don't have enough information to tell the difference between real believers and fake believers.
I do however praise a God who looks at the heart!!! Not just on appearances...as man can only do....
God knows who His real believers are...(and some of them may seem fake to us).
God knows also...who's faking the funk...(and some of them may seem real to us).
...many will say in that day, "Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your Name? Did we not cast out demons in Your Name? Did we not perform many miracles in Your Name? Did we not tithe in Your Name? Did we not give alms in Your Name? Did we not help the little old lady across the street? Did we not sing in the choir? Did we not preach? Did we not go to VBS? We didn't miss one Sunday service? And the Lord will say, "Depart from me...I never knew you..."
(my paraphrase of Jesus words in the Gospels)
The bible says that even the devil can quote scriptures so just because people can quote scriptures doesn't impress me.
The bible also says that we shall know them by their fruit. So it is not what people say, it is what they do or how they live. None of us are perfect and we sin daily but it is how we handle getting up after we fall. People are watching whether we know it or not. I say this not as being judgemental because that is not my job, I need to take care of my own mess before even thinking about someone else.
I think "fake" christian is an oxymoron because either you're either you're a christian or not.
The bible also says that we shall know them by their fruit. So it is not what people say, it is what they do or how they live. None of us are perfect and we sin daily but it is how we handle getting up after we fall. People are watching whether we know it or not. I say this not as being judgemental because that is not my job, I need to take care of my own mess before even thinking about someone else.
I think "fake" christian is an oxymoron because either you're either you're a christian or not.