What The Hell Is Going On N Chi-Town???
praise the lord for prayer...its outta control and shameful that officials have let this mess get to this point...they say black folks need jobs, but is that an excuse to kill somebody who does have a job? thanks donna for your prayers and i stand in agreement with all those who have denounced the wickedness in that place...
Seek Heaven
Sorry to hear about your Uncle, I am from Chicago too, I moved to Texas back in 97, but when I visit I get tired of the sirens and noise but oh do I miss the food. Pizza and Italian Beefs. I also miss the lakefront, you could walk, skate, ride the full lake front and at night sit back and just admire the skyline.
I left due to the crime increase on the west side, it was always somebody I knew getting killed. My mother still has her home there but currently she is living with me due to illness last year. Going home still makes me scared and nervous. Guns and drugs over power certain parts of the city.
I will keep praying for your Uncle, I can so relate!
I left due to the crime increase on the west side, it was always somebody I knew getting killed. My mother still has her home there but currently she is living with me due to illness last year. Going home still makes me scared and nervous. Guns and drugs over power certain parts of the city.
I will keep praying for your Uncle, I can so relate!
Wow... 4,000??!! Frankie, I'm sorry to hear about the tragic incident.. Praying for quick and speedy recovery for your uncle w/o complications!! Chicago is my home town also (westside) - born and raised. We moved here to Kansas over 10 years ago due to medical issues. However, I was just planning our family trip to spend a week there the first week of August. I love Chicago, but sounds like I may have to rethink that!! That's so unfortunate.. A beautiful city so full of violence (as if elsewhere)
guess several of us representing "west side"...i was gonna go down there this summer for a visit...its a shame all the violence there...was reading the tribune and had to stop cause it was so depressing...i wont let dem ignant negros stop me from visiting my fam, but it wont b til its cold...bruuuuuu outside...thanks for your prayers...
Seek Heaven

I'm so sorry to hear about your uncle and glad he is now stable. Girl, it ain't just Chicago, that craziness is everywhere.
How are you and the girls doing? We gotta catch up, it's been a minute since we chatted.

The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate. - Oprah Winfrey
and uncle gerald is a hot mess i tell ya...our family handles things with a sence of humor and boy, imagine the jokes at thanksgiving...lol...
we do gotta catch up...these lil heffas is just as crazy as those *****s in chitown, without the guns...i think...maybe they missed their calling...you'd think they was born and raised there even though they aint neva seen a house wit no grass in the front till 5 yrs ago...they're 22 and 17...peace and love kim and thanks for your support...
we do gotta catch up...these lil heffas is just as crazy as those *****s in chitown, without the guns...i think...maybe they missed their calling...you'd think they was born and raised there even though they aint neva seen a house wit no grass in the front till 5 yrs ago...they're 22 and 17...peace and love kim and thanks for your support...
Seek Heaven
so sorry to hear a about your uncle.....I pray he has a full recovery. My daughter just moved to Chicago ffrom Houston about 4 months ago for her job (she works out of O'Hare). I don't know what part of town it's called but it's the Belmont stop on the Blue Line. I pray for her daily going back and forth to the airport on that train - sometimes very, very early in the morning and also very late at night. I try hard not to worry but I do, it's just in my nature as a mother I guess.