The dreaded "F" word...
Ayy yo,
Ladies! Ladies! Are there any Feminists in the house?
Yeah I said it - Feminist. Ya know... Feminist. Not necessarily women who are LGBTs or grown girls rocking baggy jeans, numerous earrings and man-tats, hoodies, and multi-color dreads (shout out to Baltimore, DC, and Brooklyn). I'm talking real honest to goodness feminist who believe in tackling the struggles of female issues like, for example, the proverbial glass ceilings for women and minorities in corporate America, or the ones fighting the feeling of being forced somehow to pay attention to their own biological clocks in order to produce a child or two, and of course the ones fighting for the liberation from the unwritten rule that a woman has to have a man (her own and not that sharing **** that goes on, on the low).
Ya know... Feminists, who at one time in America were considered the single most threat to our nation's way of life (circa 1977) but somehow auto-magically not anymore. Fast forward to today and what is the single most threat to our nation's way of life. Well that depends. If you listen to certain political pundits they'll say hands down two things: 1. Obama - without a clue as to what's wrong with him other than his being black, and 2. (conjuring up a Jesse Helms accent here) For'ners.
But I digress...
Have the feminists all packed up and gone home? Did the "burning of the bra movement" achieve all of the goals that it set out to achieve?. How can we as a people, black, white, or For'ner, really think that things have changed for women if the base cause is still worth fighting for? For example, if a woman is harrassed xesually at her job the men hearing about it will collectively assume that she's either lying or will feign sympathy and tell her to make sure she has all of the incidents well-documented and signed before they will take her seriously enough to give her a form to fill out against her harrasser. WTF?! Also, in that same example, some women
will get all catty and **** behind her back and say things like, "No wonder. Look at how she dresses... Those short skirts and low-cut blouses aren't exact sending the right message there, Sweetie..."
I say bring back the feminists and the feminist movement. I'm talking about the radical ones that believe in fighting the good fight for all of the right reasons. Like the ones who were down for changing common English language words from, say, Policeman to Police officers, or Fireman to firefighter, or deeper still Spokesman to Spokesperson. There's still some work to be done. What say you, BAF? Holla atcha boy.
I sort of eluded to this the other day when I was speaking about MLK Jr. He and others like him...women and men...were a rare breed. I would like to consider myself a woman who is heavily committed to women's issues; however, I know that I would have a long way to go to rise to the title of a true feminist....the die hard ...ride or die type. I have not been involved in any significant lobbying, demonstrations or the like in support of women's issues as an individual...only as a part of larger organizations. The true feminist stood on their own...and were trail blazers. Heyl...I am tired....not gone lie. Would I like to be...heyl yeah!!....but I know that like so many other organizations and activities that I involve myself in....there are usually two few of us...WOC (Women of Color) in the mix....ready to ride or die. I am involved with a WOC organization here on our campus AND as a group we do stand up and support womens does my sorority BUT we are not die hards......ready to lay our lives on the least going by my perspectives. I also get so tired of the Elitist attitude....needs to be more hands reaching back to the back communities. We need more activity...I hope to stand more on my own with the organization of My Sister's Foundation....I am getting there...keep running into loop holes...but I want to do it right. I want to bring more light on battered women & missing children...particularly minorities.
We definitely needs a MOVEMENT...that goes all the way around and not just for women. I guess I am speaking more in terms of the black community as a whole. My question is what is it going to take? Heaven forbide....but besides having our 1st Black President assasinated...what the heyl is it going to take to move people to action! I mean those Million Man & Woman Marches were all sort of fizzled out after a while.
Oh yeah...we do need to take a chance and invest in black owned banks...they are insured by the FDIC too just like the others....need to show the world our dollar power...hitting folks in thier pockets is the only true way that we will be given our due.
And yes...dare I say it....we might have to go on strike and withhold the puddin, punana..whatever you want to call it......single women, young girls and the like to demand respect for ourselves and our daughters to come. We need to make a covenent with ourselves....wonder how many would take on that challenge....
I know I sort of got off track with your quesion but that my feelings about the whole issue of a movement of some kind anyway.
I hear ya but like my sensei used to say, "in order to beat your opponent you have to think like your opponent and then begin to strategize..."
What do I mean by this? If a woman witholds xes in a relationship, the average man will have a myriad of outlets for xesual release (e.g. strip clubs, internet p0rn, etc...)

I am pro Black and Pro Black Female. Not an activist by any definition, but I fight the good fight in what ever arena I am in. I've worked in a white male dominated field be it my staff or my bosses or my peers. I've witnessed and fought the disparities in pay and expectations and especially the assumptions based on stereotypes.
So no, I refuse to describe myself as the "f" word. However, in my day to day I have no choice but to live the gender bias struggle side by side with the racism struggle. I am a believer that the day to day folks in the trenches are as responsible for pushing progress and shaping change as so called leadership.
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