Missing my doggy so bad today...i need some BAF love

on 5/18/10 6:27 am - bartlesville, OK
I just lost my beloved Pitbull "the Great Geo". (pics of him on my profile. 4/20/10 I had him since he was a pup. He was 10 years old. I am so devastated. I cannot believe the intense grief that I feel. He got sick (he developed a bleed internally) and died within 1 day. I did not have to make a decision to put him down.(for that I am very grateful) He was at the vet (I was there) when he died. When I was recovering from my revision surgery last year he just laid on the bed by me and would not move unless I did.  I guess I am looking for someone to tell me that he is in a better place that he just didn't cease to exist. I had never really given this a lot of thought before now. I know there are a lot of more earth shattering things going on in the world. My world is kinda little, I guess and a big piece of it is gone. thanks for any responses (i found this article on google) Mz jojo
I did have a wow moment sunday. I actually need a belt. Those are words I never thought I would utter in 54 years of life.  

Heaven and Grieving for a Pet from a Christian Perspective Some Christian faiths believe that pets don't go to heaven because they don't have souls. The Bible does not mention whether heaven includes animals or not. It can be argued, though, that the Bible contains information for humans: They need the knowledge contained in it in order to gain entrance into God's kingdom when they die. Animals don't need to be saved in the same way people do: It can be argued that they have pure hearts. Our furry friends don't struggle to be obedient to God in the face of evil influences. If someone were asked to describe what heaven looks like, they don't describe a plain room with white walls. More than likely, they picture a peaceful outdoor scene with grass, trees, and flowers. If we are picturing a wonderful outdoor scene, why wouldn't it include our beloved pets? A person of the Christian faith who has lost a loved one (of the human variety) is taught that the person may have died but that they will be reunited with him or her later on. This provides comfort to the grieving person on some level - in spite of the loss, there is hope. If someone believes that pets go to heaven too, they can take comfort in the idea that the pet is in a place that is warm and bright, that they are no longer sick or in pain, and where they are being well cared for. The same loving God that cares for all of His children on earth won't deny the same care to these wonderful animals who add so much to our lives. Our pets love us unconditionally: They don't care what we look like, how much money we make, or what we do for a living. All they ask is that we give them a bit of our time and our attention. Doesn't it make sense when we are thinking about grieving for our pet from a Christian perspective that our four-legged friends will be waiting for us when our days on Earth are finished?
  Some trust in chariots, others in horses, but we trust the Lord our God. Psalm 20:7 You cannot do a kindness too soon,for you can never know how soon it will be too late.   “Heaven is by grace; if it were by merit your dog would go in and you would stay out".               



Pacia B
on 5/18/10 6:46 am

awwwwwww  ((((((((Mz JoJo)))))))   Here's a hug--I totally understand what you are going through.  I lost my baby (kitty) Miss Rachel in November and
I also cried and cried... I had had her since she was a kitten and she was 18 years old when she died.  Whenever I took her to the vet they treated her like a celebrity because she had lived so long.   She was really sick the last week of her life and the night she died, I got home about 4 hours later than usual--but she waited for me and died (in my arms) about 15 minutes after I got home 


on 5/19/10 5:15 am - bartlesville, OK
Thank you so much for taking the time to post peace mz JOJO



on 5/18/10 6:58 am - Mesa, AZ
Ohhh sweetheart, I totally understand!!!  13 years ago, I wanted to adopt a kitten for my daughter (a surprise for her birthday) so I went to the ASAP and adopted  a little orange kitten.  Well...while walking out of the door, some young boys come in with box full of little puppy's and handed me one.  That was it!!  I went home with a kitten and a puppy.  I named them Mack and Tosh!  (yea, I know)

Anyway a few years ago I had to put my dog Tosha down.  She was an Australian Shepard and soooo smart and I'm still not over it.  Then last year, I had to put down the cat, Max.  I still think I hear him meow to come it.  

The worst thing about it was, that the dog died in the same week we got her 10 years early, almost to the day (weird) and just before my daughter's birthday.  She was so upset.  My husband suggested that we get her a pug (she always wanted one) so we did.  We have had Bubba for almost three years now.  He has been a blessing and has really helped us heal from loosing Tosha.

I know the pain sweetheart. I'm so sorry you are going through this.  I'm sending  you big hugggggsss!!

Love is all there is, ever was or ever will be...  

on 5/19/10 5:17 am, edited 5/19/10 5:17 am - bartlesville, OK
thank you Glamazon...I was having a harsh day. It is hard to talk to many of my friends because I do not want them to make light of my loss. This really hurts.  Some of them would not come to my house because of all the bad press that pit bulls get. those that did were shocked at how loving and gentle Geo was. thank you for the hugs. peace jojo



on 5/18/10 7:12 am
Mz JoJo here's a big BAF hug for you to hopefully help you feel better.........Big Hug....I'm sure "the Great GEO" is in Pit Heaven running things and sending down nothing both love and gratitude for you!

Feel better soon!

on 5/19/10 5:19 am - bartlesville, OK
LOL thats what my son said. He said Geo was tearing up heaven "jacking" the pig ears  (Geo's favorite treat) God was giving the other dogs LOL thanks janice



Pastor di
on 5/18/10 8:46 am - DALLAS, TX
Hello Precious,

I am not a pet person, but I did grieve in silence when my son's white german shepherd grew sick and finally had to be put down, I had to make the decision my son just said I don't want to be here. He was a blessing to my family and in that I can relate to your loss.  I love my son and he was his pride and joy.  I pray that the pain you feel will subside and your memories will emerge and feel you with love.  I love you my sister and it is good to see you on the board. Many blessings to you.



on 5/19/10 5:21 am - bartlesville, OK

Grace and Peace Pastor Di, thank you for the response. I have not been on a lot lately. Keep me in prayer. Much love Mz jojo



on 5/18/10 10:59 am
Wow I can't beleive you posted this, because just two days ago on my walk I saw a dead animal in the road and it reminded me of my dear Bear Bear who wa**** by a car 2 years ago and killed and I cried like a baby on that walk.

I know the pain your feeling, and I know it hurts like losing a person, I literally cried for a few months whenever I would think of her.    I have a picture of my bear in my office, living room and in my car.  I miss her so much... 

I hope your pain gets better as you think of the funny stuff your doggie did, and snuggle times, and puppy times when they are so sweet and get tired so fast and have such a small little puppy tounge.  

I'm so sorry about your dog    
Salty Pickle a.k.a.  Lee
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