Love yourself unconditionally.
Love yourself unconditionally.
Regrettably, some people battling obesity feel they are unworthy of love. Years of negative comments has made them feel unlovable--even though that is not the case.
Perhaps you have spent so many years hating your outer self that you can no longer see any inward beauty. Your self-worth is not dependant on your outward appearance. Own this concept today! Do not hesitate to break down those beliefs of worthlessness.
Action for the day: Think of someone who loves you absolutely, and take a peek at yourself through that person's eyes. If you still can't see, ask that person directly to share the beauty they see in you. Don't worry about appearances; you're not being narcissistic. This is about your emotional healing--about finally recognizing the beauty that is in you.
© 2010, National Association for Weight Loss Surgery. All rights reserved. Daily Inspirations are provided by the National Association for Weight Loss Surgery.