Freaky Friday

(deactivated member)
on 5/6/10 8:28 pm, edited 5/9/10 8:16 am - Fair Play, CA
Thanks to all for your feedback. I appreciate it.

MSW will not settle
on 5/6/10 11:12 pm

I got nothing but I searched the "m" word on  This is from a Roman Catholic perspective.  All churches don't take exception to masturbation; but, us Catholics have to stick with drinking, dancing, and gambling.  Lust is not permitted but we've got a few distractions while we're not thinking about sex. 

These are Q&A submitted by youth.    
What's wrong with masturbation? I think of it as getting rid of your temptations without leading anyone into sin.


Masturbation does not “get rid of" temptations any more than prostitution does. Both may temporarily relieve sexual desires, but our goal as Christians is not simply to get rid of temptations but to glorify God with our bodies. The idea that masturbation can be used to decrease sexual desires is like saying that lighter fluid can be used to extinguish a fire. If anything, masturbation incites lustful thoughts and teaches a person that he or she deserves—and needs—sexual gratification whenever the desire arises.

To understand why masturbation is wrong, we need to step back from the world’s constant clamoring for the fulfillment of sexual “needs" and go back to God’s plan for sex. Sexuality is meant to be a gift between a husband and wife for the purpose of babies and bonding. When it is taken out of that context, the gift is degraded and, in the case of masturbation, altogether ceases being a gift. The purpose of sexuality is abandoned, because the center of the sexual act becomes “me" instead of “we," and the person is trained to look to himself for sexual fulfillment. The gift of sexuality is misused for the sake of lifeless pleasure.

When people misuse their sexuality in this way, they may begin to use pleasure to change their mood, release tension, or forget their loneliness. Masturbation becomes an escape. It may pacify them, but it will never satisfy them. They use the fantasies of their mind and the pleasures of their body to flee from reality and the call to love. Their goal in sexual activity has been reduced to merely receiving pleasure instead of showing love. If men and women have trained themselves to use their sexuality in this way, why would this suddenly change once they are married? The husband or wife will simply use the spouse as a substitute for the fantasies. The problem is that the lust will be transferred to the other, not healed within.

Furthermore, if the person has formed a habit of using lust as a means of dealing with stress, he or she may continue to turn to various forms of lust (porn, masturbation, infidelity, and so on) as a remedy to the stresses within marriage. Instead of seeking consolation in a healthy manner, the person learns to find solace in pleasure.

Getting married will not cure one’s problem with masturbation. Because masturbation has trained disordered impulses in the person, the true pleasures of marriage—though far superior—may not appease his or her warped attachments. Where will one turn to find those pleasures within marriage? Often he or she will continue to struggle with masturbation, to the sorrow and distress of the spouse and to the detriment of the marriage.

A person who does not preserve his own purity when alone will have a difficult time remaining pure with another. If he lacks self-control when alone, he will be unable to properly give himself to his spouse when the time comes. You cannot give what you do not possess. So if you do not have self-control, you cannot truly give yourself to another. To the extent that there is no gift of self, there is no love. Therefore, if you want to be able genuinely to love your spouse, you must build self-mastery.*****graphy-etc/masturba tion/whats-problem-with-
When it comes to morality, my motto is that you shouldn't do anything that harms other people. I am a Christian, but when it comes to masturbation I really don't see any problem with it.


I commend you for choosing to live in such a way that harms nobody. This is a noble desire. However, I would suggest that it does not go far enough. While virtue does involve not wanting to harm others, if it stops there it is entirely deficient and based upon one's desires to make up his or her own morality. It makes one feel as if they are being somewhat moral while still allowing them to ignore the weightier demands of love for God. They think to themselves, "I'm not that bad." In other words, they're somewhere between Mother Teresa and Adolf Hitler. This allows them to evade the question, "But am I truly good?" The absence of harm is not the same as the presence of virtue.

In fact, you may be interested to know that the slogan "Harm ye none" is actually the motto for the ethic followed by those who consider themselves to be witches! It's a neo-pagan moral code that has become so popular that one can even purchase "Harm Ye None" pentagram necklaces on the internet! It has to make you wonder if this is a good standard of morality if it is such a popular phrase among those involved in paganism, Wicca, and the occult. In my opinion, this idea of morality could be thought of as Christianity without the cross.

If your standard of morality is that an action not harm another, would you say that blasphemy causes harm to anyone? What about lust in one's heart? How about pride, greed, vanity, coveting, jealousy, or hatred? Jesus says, "You have heard that it was said, 'You shall not commit adultery.' But I say to you that every one who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. If your right eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and throw it away; it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body be thrown into hell. And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away; it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body go into hell" (Matt 5:27-29).

God's standard for morality is very different than "harm ye none." For anyone who claims to be a Christian, these verses have serious implications. It shows that a person's sins that do not directly harm others can still cause harm to one's own soul.

One of the effects of person sins is the weakening of one's will. For example, some may say, "Well, I could stop masturbating, but I just don't want to." The absence of the desire to stop reveals the state of the heart. Deep down, it really does not care about pleasing God. It wishes only to please itself. Because of this, it has not experienced the freedom and joy God wishes to give it. Instead, it opts for passing physical pleasure and a false notion of sexual freedom. Such a soul misses out on so much because it believes that a life of virtue could never be more rewarding than habitual sin.

While giving a retreat to college students, Pope John Paul II challenged the young men with words that apply to everyone: "Christ is found particularly in the field of sexual morality, because it is here that Christ makes demands on men. … We are quite ready to take, or conquer, in terms of enjoyment, profit, gain, and success. …Then comes the question of giving, and at this point we hang back, because we are not prepared to give"[1].

Turn to Christ, who will give you the strength to be pure. Such a life will not only not harm others, it will glorify God and gain you merit in heaven.

                   MSW   Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass: Eat sensibly & enjoy moderation  

 Links:  Are you a compulsive eater?  for help OA meets on-line Keep Coming Back, One Day At a Time  Overeaters Anonymous 


(deactivated member)
on 5/6/10 11:47 pm, edited 5/9/10 1:58 pm - Fair Play, CA
Gurl......I am a google hound and did not even think to google the dang question. See what "backed up" bodily fluids do to the mind !

The purpose of sexuality is abandoned, because the center of the sexual act becomes “me" instead of “we," and the person is trained to look to himself for sexual fulfillment. The gift of sexuality is misused for the sake of lifeless pleasure.

Its an interesting perspective because I do find that it makes "me" not think about sex as often outside of myself..... BUT I think thats a healthy thing for me.  *********************************************************..I don't  want sex to rule my life and keep my mind preoccupied. If its not food....then its always something. I do know about transfer addictions.  I am getting to the place where I want to get with a man without having sex come into the picture prematurely.... Ya...know  Give us a chance to really get to know each other to the point of marriage. mind is more open to the idea.  So this practice is really helping me. I had noticed an increased in "M" since I made a conscious effort to  remain celebate
..... And I most definitely don't want to go back to food to fulfil this void.

Thanks for looking up this information. Its a big help! Shed a little light on the various views.


MSW will not settle
on 5/7/10 12:13 am
This sinner needs a peak at your church.  Nothing to peek at in mine, lol.

Girl, google the "m" word and I bet you get all kinds of nasty ****  I went to a Catholic web site, then picked a link geared at youth.  A member of a faith sharing group I belong to runs programs for college aged Catholics so I knew it was out there.  Then I did a search within the Catholic youth site.

This way I got no porn.  Lord knows I did not want to bring up all the pics and Youtube videos on "m".      

(deactivated member)
on 5/7/10 12:30 am
A p!mp friend of mine once told me and the fellas about the "Seed of Onan" in the book of Genesis in the bible, where a dude by the name of Onan was commanded by Judah to sleep with and impregnate his dead brother's wife.   Who knows why  but those were his marching orders.  Onan it seems was down for the sleeping with her part but he kept pulling out just before his toes began to completely curl, thus causing his chicken to be choked and, in effect, spilling his "seed" onto the ground.  I don't know, maybe he thought he could grow a kid out of the dirt or something, but this displeased God who killed Onan as a result.

Now, according to my homie, this is why the church frowns on the dreaded M-word.  Because it supposedly wastes the seed instead of using it to procreate as God intended. 
(deactivated member)
on 5/7/10 1:12 am, edited 5/7/10 1:14 am - Fair Play, CA
Thanks Aye! Now I have to interpret (Hey..everybody else interprets it...why can't I) this to mean that if you are not wasting the seeds then get a reprieve! Well...ain't no more chillins jumping out of this here wound or my Doctor is either getting sued or paying child support (his pick). while I make a date with myself for tonight!  

on 5/7/10 4:14 am
It seems incongruous to compare f**king a corpse with masturbation.

Thou shall not waste thou seed-vs.-Thou shall forth *** in side dead women to stay alive

I am so done...facepalm

                               Vida Cambio
                                        (Weight loss in progress)

          Live Laugh Love
                     I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.   
  Highest Weight: 302  Started Researching WLS Weight : 275     Surgery Weight : 240 
                                          Current Weight : 175
                 GW : 164  Long term GW : 140

(deactivated member)
on 5/7/10 4:30 am
No, no, no...    That's not the point at all.  The coitus-interruptus that Onan performed prior to release is the suggested congruency here not the stuff that you mentioned.  I urge you to look it up (I went back and did so ).
on 5/7/10 6:00 am
The idea of me actually looking Onan up would be arbitrary ;since I really don't care to know. My previous statement was for mere jokes.

                               Vida Cambio
                                        (Weight loss in progress)

          Live Laugh Love
                     I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.   
  Highest Weight: 302  Started Researching WLS Weight : 275     Surgery Weight : 240 
                                          Current Weight : 175
                 GW : 164  Long term GW : 140

MSW will not settle
on 5/7/10 6:58 am
  Ahh... uhm... went right over my head.  Disregard previous reply.  ..... Now I get it!    
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