OT: Ummm - is it JUST me or......
I was wondering if anyone else noticed the I've been here before expression on this baby!!!!! yea he knows he's gonna be paid.
There are so many black babies that do not get adopted that go from foster home to foster home then to group homes when they get older. I'm glad this child has gotten out of the system & I sure hope Sandra gets the ethic manual.

There are so many black babies that do not get adopted that go from foster home to foster home then to group homes when they get older. I'm glad this child has gotten out of the system & I sure hope Sandra gets the ethic manual.
Change is a Process Not an Event
She should've named him Maaliknahon or I'satta instead right? Many Caucasians are adopting outside of their races and internationally because the process is easier. It took my mother 14 years to adopt a relative because of the lazy ass case manager up in NYC. Plus, Social Service has such a high turn around with their employees its difficult for good Case Managers to catch up!
Tis better to be dis-liked than to be loved by them cuz your always on their mind.
Congrats to Sandra Bullock and to her little man for getting a loving home. Celebrities may not always make the best parents but if they are not cheap they hire the best nannies who stay with the kids as long as they are needed.
Most adoption agencies do not address the issue of caring for hair or skin for black kids. If you want to start a business just approach your local adoption agencies or foster care system with a proposal to teach hair care in transracial adoptions or foster care placements. If you are a hair stylist it's a great way to pick up new clients too.
I adopted both my kids. If you have it in your heart to adopt please do it. Black males are the least desirable children to adopt and that includes newborns. It's like they are born with a strike already against them in that people just assume they won't turn out well so why waste the time. My son came from the foster care system and we got him when he was 3 hours old. He was a healthy baby boy and no drugs were involved... just a young mom who couldn't take care of another child and wanted to find a home for him. Little man's adoption was free and he gets a monthly check and medical care till he turns 18. Being black is considered special needs in many states. So if finances are a road block to adoption look at the foster care system... you just might be able to swing it with the subsidy package.
Most adoption agencies do not address the issue of caring for hair or skin for black kids. If you want to start a business just approach your local adoption agencies or foster care system with a proposal to teach hair care in transracial adoptions or foster care placements. If you are a hair stylist it's a great way to pick up new clients too.
I adopted both my kids. If you have it in your heart to adopt please do it. Black males are the least desirable children to adopt and that includes newborns. It's like they are born with a strike already against them in that people just assume they won't turn out well so why waste the time. My son came from the foster care system and we got him when he was 3 hours old. He was a healthy baby boy and no drugs were involved... just a young mom who couldn't take care of another child and wanted to find a home for him. Little man's adoption was free and he gets a monthly check and medical care till he turns 18. Being black is considered special needs in many states. So if finances are a road block to adoption look at the foster care system... you just might be able to swing it with the subsidy package.
Hey y'all. I don't pop in often but I saw this and had to comment. At first I thought Mackmamma was tryna start something.
But I read the comments. Sorry for thinking you were being a trouble-maker. 
Anyway, I like Sandra Bullock too and I am okay with her adopting that chubby little chocolate baby. I wondered about him being of negroid ancestry and if she could adjust, but I think she has a wide variety of friends like Regina King that can help her if she needs it. Also, she seems more down to Earth than most celebrities. She's okay in my book and I believe she will love him unconditionally. And I could have helped her pick a name.
Now she needs to think about getting him a little brother or sister, since she is adopting. Better to have 2 or 3 than one so they can have a companion...jmho. No offense to anybody with one child.
That might be why that foolish jerk-faced husband of hers cheated. Many men are jealous of their own offspring when the mother is more attentive towards the baby or children. Not that that's an excuse, I'm just sayin'.

Anyway, I like Sandra Bullock too and I am okay with her adopting that chubby little chocolate baby. I wondered about him being of negroid ancestry and if she could adjust, but I think she has a wide variety of friends like Regina King that can help her if she needs it. Also, she seems more down to Earth than most celebrities. She's okay in my book and I believe she will love him unconditionally. And I could have helped her pick a name.

That might be why that foolish jerk-faced husband of hers cheated. Many men are jealous of their own offspring when the mother is more attentive towards the baby or children. Not that that's an excuse, I'm just sayin'.

We don't have enough black people willing to adopt. I am going through the adoption process (in the very early stages). People often ask me why I wanted to adopt. They've asked me if its because I can't have kids. Uhh, I think I can have kids, I've never been told that I can't. This leaves them perplexed. Well, here's the thing to ask yourself. Do you want to have a baby, or do you want to be a parent? If you want to have a baby, go on and reproduce. If you want to be a parent, what does it matter who the child comes from.