OT: Ummm - is it JUST me or......
but if it means that X number of black babies get to grow up being raised in the best schools and with parents that have more than enough $$ to send them to WHATEVER school they choose so that they have a shot at being educated, productive and debt free........
I'll take that fad in a heartbeat!!!!
but if it means that X number of black babies get to grow up being raised in the best schools and with parents that have more than enough $$ to send them to WHATEVER school they choose so that they have a shot at being educated, productive and debt free........
I'll take that fad in a heartbeat!!!!
Come now.....don't every person that adopt turn into a Mommy Dearest....I was not adopted and yet I had plenty of wire hangers and extension cords upside my behind...and not even a chance at a rich fortune....~grimace~!. Sides....that Joan Crawford was just plain crazy....Sandra seems a lot more grounded in reality....they knew Joan Crawford was already flying high over the coocoos nest when she signed the adoption papers for those white kids. Well at least she did not discriminate...her "not" leaving them a darn thing...had nothing to do with color.
precious and antoine fisher was some poe azz negroes...fwit some poe azz parents...ay dunnaway or whomevea was portrayed in "mommy dearest" was a rich, cazy azz, esteemed hollywood actress...no comparison...im just saying we could all say if we was Richer" we'd be better parents...jus cause these rich white folk adopt some poe kiz, don't make them no better a parent than us average joes...
eta: nope, ait seen precious...
eta: nope, ait seen precious...
Seek Heaven
who said anything about being better parents?
All I know is that while money cannot buy happiness...... I sho do take a ass whoopin better when there's Coach in my immediate future.
****** up parents are everywhere - if I could have survived my mom's insanity AND that bytch paid for my college - I wouldn't have my student loan today. Not saying the $$ changes the treatment or condition - but hell, if you gonna be a ho because you're abused.... you could be a $5 on the corner ho, or you get better access to mofos who spend $1K to hit it.
Yea - that is, in fact, my ****** up view on it.
All I know is that while money cannot buy happiness...... I sho do take a ass whoopin better when there's Coach in my immediate future.
****** up parents are everywhere - if I could have survived my mom's insanity AND that bytch paid for my college - I wouldn't have my student loan today. Not saying the $$ changes the treatment or condition - but hell, if you gonna be a ho because you're abused.... you could be a $5 on the corner ho, or you get better access to mofos who spend $1K to hit it.
Yea - that is, in fact, my ****** up view on it.

Post Date: 5/2/10 11:08 am I just hope she puts oil on that childs head, I can't stand seeing these black kids being raised by white folks and their hair is so dam dry it looks like that **** is going to bust into flames at the first site of sun. |
I agree I believe that there should be a section of rules in the adoption Manuel for these parents about treatment and care for our hair!!!
Rule # 1
Thou must use oil/moisturizer daily - we don't come by it naturally like you do!!!
Rule # 2
Thou must not wash our hair daily for you will null and void rule # 1 - you wash your hair daily to keep the oil out and we wash ours weekly to bi-weekly to keep the oil in!!!
Rule # 3
Thou must must moisturize our skin on a daily basis for ash is not white it's ash!!!
Rule # 4
Thou must become educated about our heritage because one day we will ask and the answer better not be ummm....
Rule # 5
Thou must be educated about any possible health issue I may come down with due to my race - IE Sickle Cell is a predominantly African American trait just like Cystic Fibrosis is a predominantly White/Hispanic trait!!!!
Now, this is just the tip of the iceberg of the section of rules in the adoption Manuel book believe me, there should be MANY, MANY MORE!!!!