OT: Ummm - is it JUST me or......
Truthfully, its called love. I was a foster parent with a non DFCS related agency. My last set of kids before leaving the agency due to ethical conflicts were Caucasian children. I love those children! They have my heart! I am in the process of fostering for the agency they are with because they will be up for adoption and my black ass will adopt their Caucasian ass in a heartbeat! Thanks!
Tis better to be dis-liked than to be loved by them cuz your always on their mind.
Ya'll when I saw this picture for the first thing....all I could do was smile. I love Sandra Bullock anyway BUT this picture really brought me joy. Yes...her heart was broken by that loser of a husband of hers but this little boy....brought the sunshine back in! I can tell...hes going to be loved (at least I hope so). Yes...I wish more of us would step up....I would love to adopt one day. Right now...I just have too much on my plate. I would love to have a son. Since my production factory is shut down for business...only way that will happen is through adoption. Kudos to Sandra for checking on the adoption application that race was of no significance. He's adorable.
To me it just seems like these little black babies are the 'in thing' now. You know how the celebs made it 'status quo' to carry your little puppy around in a designer bag, now the celebrities are saying, if you don't have a little black baby to adopt, you are not in the loop.
Like MTV cribs, every celeb had to have Christal in their fridge or a certain type of car to be in the 'in crowd'.
Bull ish!!!
Like MTV cribs, every celeb had to have Christal in their fridge or a certain type of car to be in the 'in crowd'.
Bull ish!!!