Happy THURSDAY. How is your week shaping up? Tell the whole truth and be accountable. Are you getting it right this week?
...All are welcome, jump in at anytime.
For reference:
5 Day Pouch Test website http://www.5daypouchtest.com/plan/theplan.html
5 Day Pouch Test Instructions
Protein Train Instructions http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/black_american/3993571/Protein-Train-Educate-me-please/#32309205
Wagon Plan Instructions
Overeaters Anonymous
Online Meetings
MSW Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass: Eat sensibly & enjoy moderation
Links: Are you a compulsive eater? for help OA meets on-line Keep Coming Back, One Day At a Time Overeaters Anonymous
While I swapped a scoop of protein for a bag of pretzels, I still made my planed calorie deficit.
The ugly, another day with no vits.
The bad, well you know those pretzels blew my carb goal and very little plain water.
The good, everything else was ok; food, liquids, calories, exercise. No stength training, still having issues but I'm going to try today.
Calories 1376/ calorie deficit 1002 / protein 107g/ net carbs 98g/ fat 54g
Today I want to similar numbers. My plan is calories 1264/ deficit 1000 cal/ protein 100g/ net carbs 50g/ liquids 80 oz/ cardio 1 hr/ stength to be determined.
on 4/14/10 4:33 pm
I was sitting up in that meeting and those dam jeans were so tight they were pinching my v-jay ja and I was wiggling around trying to stop the pain, Becca and I were cracking the hell up. After the meeting I took my ass to the car and changed into my big jeans.
The 19th is my 4 year anniversary and i'm thinking that starting on the 19th i'm going to start wearing them tight ass jeans full time. I know i'm going to be in pain for a while but it's time to claim my size.
Umm - hi. I think it's Thursday, right? Yea - that means no gym. That's good. I've only had 3 hrs of sleep.........
No more midnight marathons. I forgot I used to run these with beginning runners or runners reconditioning themselves - not Lance frikkin Armstrong!!!!!
I'm about to pray my way to take babygirl to school and drag azz to take my car to the dealership for an oil change. After that - straight to rehab at the Sealy 'Who da heyl you think you were and exactly how much sleep do you REALLY need?' Posterpedic location - aka my master bedroom. I SWEAR I used to pull these runs like hotcakes in my late 20s!!!! WTF????!!!!
Oh - and if you take a resable mug - free coffee at Starbucks today. Regular brewed coffee only - add cream and SF syrup - YUMMO!!!!!
Thanks for the Starbucks tip. I'm in BumFkcu GA today. Every time Starbucks has a national promotion these toothless inbred ******** just stare blankly as you point out it was on CNN all morning and show it to them in USA Today. I'll bring my mug should I be in the neighborbood and find someone on duty with a clue.
Girl - I not only am taking advantage of this, but I'm also doing the 8 week tour of Bold Coffee - they have a different pick of the week, I get a stamp on a tracker thingee when I buy a cup each week, at the end of the 8 weeks, I get a free pound of a bold coffee of my choice. Yea, I'm cheap - 8 weeks of tracking for $10.95 of coffee. BUT - it's $$ I spend anyway, so you dayum skippy Imma ride this out! LOL
ALSO - I have a registered gift card w/Starbucks and am in the Rewards program - just hit gold level - free syrup, cream w/any drink, free tall drink with every pound of coffee purchased, 2hrs wi fi per day and some other shyt......
I'm a coupon/rewards program/specials loving/rebate lovin mofo!!! LOL
Good luck on your free coffee!!