Well Hello!!!!!
It has certainly been a longgggg time since I've been up in this joint!!!! I knew at some point I had to come back where it all started...never forget your weight loss buddies no matter what goes on in ya life! But I gotta tell you, it's been never ending for me cause frankly I just don't have the time anymore like I used to. New careers, family and ya dada doooo! LOL!
But on a serious note, I wanted to stop in to say hello to everyone that I know from back in the day (it wasn't that long ago...but it seems that way to me)! I'm actually at work right now as I type this trying to hurry up so the supervisor won't catch me up here LOL. Just to touch base with ya'll how things are going with me....
I'm still married going on two years in August and we're still acting like newlyweds LOL. Marriage has its ups and downs but with lots of prayer and keeping God first, things are alot easier to handle. When you've been independent for so long it takes a while to get into the "we", "ours", "us" and all that. But nonetheless, things are well. Kids are the same.. just trying to get rid of the oldest one come June!!! (Yeah Cookie, I'm sure you got rid of yours when she turned 18 & I tried to do the same with mines but I swear she had some tricks up her sleeves trying to stay but come June... she's out)! As far as working, I'm a nurse now working at the hospital and I also work part time as a case worker. So my days and nights are so busy from working and then my ministry at my church. Again, my day never ends the way I want it to.... I need a vacation somewhere with just me and me and me! LOL
I have most of yall on MySpace but who gets on that when we have Facebook & Twitter now? LOL LOL I'm on Facebook so look me up under my name Tonya Cuffee-Olive. I hope to reconnect with you guys again as well as making new friends. I hope to be able to come to the next gathering yall have cuz ya know I still want to fulfill my fantasy with Ro! LOL Lmbo... shhhh don't tell hubby now! LOL Lastly... my weight lost journey... I've gained some back... about 20 lbs so I'm in the process of trying to lose it. My goal weight is to be 155 but I'm at 183 right now
I've become an emotional eater & just eating everything in sight lately. But when my clothes started getting tight especially my nursing uniforms
I was like oh heck no! I gotta loose some of this cushion on my azz! But hubby likes it... (what man wouldn't) but they don't know us women LOL Anyway... I'm gonna try to go back where I first started, pre surgery. So God help me cuz I know I can't do it without You!! Amen!
Sorry for the longgg email but ya know I haven't been up here in so long like last year...LOL and I dont know when I'm gonna visit again but I did not forget you guys. I love you guys very much... you've become like family to me. I promise not to be gone too long and I will check in when I can. Take care family!
Love ya,