Runaway breast at the thrift store!!
Okay, I only tell this humiliating story to bring you a laugh and a smile…
My church owns a thrift store. Because we are a very small church, we can’t afford at this time to hire staff for the store, so we are all volunteering shifts. About a month ago, I took my turn. The rule is that a woman can never be in the store alone or with just another woman. A man must be present with us at all times. The store is located along a strip of highway and in a plaza next to a semi- biker bar called “Hot as Hell". (Yes, God has a sense of humor) and just for our safety, our pastor wants a man present.
So there I was in the back, unpacking boxes with a very seasoned, mature, mighty man of God whom has been happily married going on 35 years and has three grown children,. He like I, was a New Yorker for many, many years and then moved to Arizona. He has lived all over the world, seen more things than you can imagine (wasn’t always saved) and has a VERY settled, quiet, and quite frankly, stern nature. Trust me, he rarely cracks a smile!
I was wearing a yellow tank top with a tight, body fitting spaghetti strapped tank underneath it with a pear of jeans. Along with the all the other "gear" I was wearing, I was locked and loaded…or so I thought.
“T" was sitting on top of a ladder and I was handing boxes of items up to him to put on top of a storage shelf. So I was bending and stooping and standing and reaching. Bending and stooping and standing and reaching…you get the idea.
I stood up and handed him the last item. With one hand on my hip and the other brushing hair out of my face, I looked at him. He BUSTED out laughing and looked away and said…
“Brenda"…. He couldn’t finish his sentence because he was laughing so hard!
“WHAT"??!!!!!! I said. T just kept laughing at me. I don’t think I have ever seen him laugh this hard at anything in the five years I have known him!!
“What?! What?! What?!" I insisted.
“Go to the ladies room" he said. Just as he said those words, I could feel that something just… wasn’t…. right…. Little did I know with all the motion, that one of my breasts had wiggled its way up and half way out of my bra!!! I looked RIDICULOUS!! Trust me, not sexy AT ALL. I looked like some deformed Picasso painting!!
T just stood there shaking his head and looking away. He was gracious and never said more than that! I covered up and ran to the ladies room. I was so embarrassed but had to laugh. When I came out, I tried to explain that since loosing all the weight, the girls just aren’t the same!!!! It’s like trying to hold a Jell-O mold in a hair net!!!!
Yep, there I the thrift store...owned by my church...with a man I go to church with.....with my boob hanging out! Does it get more embarrassing??!!!

My church owns a thrift store. Because we are a very small church, we can’t afford at this time to hire staff for the store, so we are all volunteering shifts. About a month ago, I took my turn. The rule is that a woman can never be in the store alone or with just another woman. A man must be present with us at all times. The store is located along a strip of highway and in a plaza next to a semi- biker bar called “Hot as Hell". (Yes, God has a sense of humor) and just for our safety, our pastor wants a man present.
So there I was in the back, unpacking boxes with a very seasoned, mature, mighty man of God whom has been happily married going on 35 years and has three grown children,. He like I, was a New Yorker for many, many years and then moved to Arizona. He has lived all over the world, seen more things than you can imagine (wasn’t always saved) and has a VERY settled, quiet, and quite frankly, stern nature. Trust me, he rarely cracks a smile!
I was wearing a yellow tank top with a tight, body fitting spaghetti strapped tank underneath it with a pear of jeans. Along with the all the other "gear" I was wearing, I was locked and loaded…or so I thought.
“T" was sitting on top of a ladder and I was handing boxes of items up to him to put on top of a storage shelf. So I was bending and stooping and standing and reaching. Bending and stooping and standing and reaching…you get the idea.
I stood up and handed him the last item. With one hand on my hip and the other brushing hair out of my face, I looked at him. He BUSTED out laughing and looked away and said…
“Brenda"…. He couldn’t finish his sentence because he was laughing so hard!
“WHAT"??!!!!!! I said. T just kept laughing at me. I don’t think I have ever seen him laugh this hard at anything in the five years I have known him!!
“What?! What?! What?!" I insisted.
“Go to the ladies room" he said. Just as he said those words, I could feel that something just… wasn’t…. right…. Little did I know with all the motion, that one of my breasts had wiggled its way up and half way out of my bra!!! I looked RIDICULOUS!! Trust me, not sexy AT ALL. I looked like some deformed Picasso painting!!
T just stood there shaking his head and looking away. He was gracious and never said more than that! I covered up and ran to the ladies room. I was so embarrassed but had to laugh. When I came out, I tried to explain that since loosing all the weight, the girls just aren’t the same!!!! It’s like trying to hold a Jell-O mold in a hair net!!!!
Yep, there I the thrift store...owned by my church...with a man I go to church with.....with my boob hanging out! Does it get more embarrassing??!!!
Heck, once I read the title and knew there'd be boobies in here - I had to come runnin!
See, he's good - he told you...... i would have left the painting on the wall a while longer.....I like to appreciate fine art

*Forrest Gump voice* Mama always said they's no such thang as bad tit-tays. They's little bitty ones, big ole round ones, bubbly ones, long ones, light ones, dark ones........ I like tit-tays......
See, he's good - he told you...... i would have left the painting on the wall a while longer.....I like to appreciate fine art

*Forrest Gump voice* Mama always said they's no such thang as bad tit-tays. They's little bitty ones, big ole round ones, bubbly ones, long ones, light ones, dark ones........ I like tit-tays......