2 YEARS since my RNY
woooow - two years ago, to this date is was in a hospital bed
over 300lbs and feeling like a truck hit my insides front
and back ... fast forward 2 whole years
i am under 140lbs healthy, maintaining and damn sexy
and can rock 4inch silettos with ease
yes i still have to watch what i eat, take my vits and try
to get all my protein and water in.. but it ALLWORTH IT
Congrats and you look great. I feel you on how you feel. I am 3 weeks out til my 2 years and I feel great. I am 148. 3lbs away from my goal. I still have to remind myself to eat, still have to take my vits and I still exercise. But I look good and feel good.
5 feet tall and gorgeous at any weight!!!!