Bored and Confused

Tha Pinkster T.
on 3/20/10 1:25 pm
Hey All,

wassup? I am watching CNN and I am a bit confused correct me on these facts. Our President wants us to go back to school but if your a teacher and the kids aren't doing well in your school (Rhode Island Incident) you may lose your job? hmmm

Our President gave the banks money (bail out) to assist homeowners from losing their homes but recently he made a speech indicating to accept $1500.00 moving fee from the Bank and that the government will pay $1000.00 toward Administrative fees (paperwork) if you can't afford your original mortgage?

What's going on? Does this make sense? I work at an alternative school in the morning and I must say one of the positive qualities of the principal is allowing social service providers and mentors to enter her school to assist the teachers and students. Realistically, counselors don't cure we assist. Additionally, development starts in the home within their community.

What's your opinion?
Tis better to be dis-liked than to be loved by them cuz your always on their mind.   

Pretty In Pink
Graphics & Myspace layouts


Frankie Lee
on 3/21/10 3:41 am - WI
from the perspective of a veteran secondary urban teacher...

RI has some of the highest beginning teacher salaries in the country...yes the cost of living is greater there, but in comparison to teacher salaries, they are significantly higher than the rest of the country...

the median average teacher salary from that school is about 78k...where the neighborhood which they serve has an average median income of 15k...90% of the students are not only "NOT PROFICIENT", they are "minimal" (theres miminal, basic, proficient, advanced)...unacceptable...they have been in this trend for several years...if im not mistaken, the student population is over 90% minority- Latino...most of the teachers have advanced degrees, or credits over the BA required for certification...under NCLB, all teachers will have to get a Master degree to be "highly qualified teachers"...this will not slove the problem...

the only thing i support about the teachers not being fired is there was no due process...other than that, i support shutting down these schools that are not graduating kids...national average graducation rates are 48%...unacceptable...

fire the darned teachers, including myself and lets all interview to get our jobs back...if we know what were doing, our skill will do more speaking than our resumes...lets pay teachers for kids graduating...track the students according to their teachers...teachers who show a trend of kids not showing improvements...get rid of them...

schools are loosing social workers, counselors when they are needed more now than ever before...hell, id consider cutting a teacher position to get a social worker...

problems in the school will not be solved unless people get jobs, training, social services they need to heal takes a village for sure, social workers, police, medical personnell, job training specialists, school boards, community business owners, parents, teachers and KIDS to help education...johnny doesent care about reading when he slept in the car last night or had to baby sit while mamma worked 16 hours, etc...

it is our job as educators (not u in particular) to teach kids despite their fudged up life makes it more difficualt when family isnt involved in a positive way...i question...we know the data, we know families are jacked up we know johnnny cant read...ok, so what do we do???

sorry so long...
Seek Heaven
Tha Pinkster T.
on 3/21/10 5:13 am
Tis better to be dis-liked than to be loved by them cuz your always on their mind.   

Pretty In Pink
Graphics & Myspace layouts


on 3/22/10 11:46 am - (Encyclopedia Brown), NY
Hey Frankie!!
Frankie Lee
on 3/22/10 7:46 pm - WI
whas cracklin big mike!!!   awwwwe...miss and love kids need a beat down from uncle mike...
Seek Heaven
MSW will not settle
on 3/21/10 4:00 pm
I've delt with good teachers and bad in both public and parochial schools.  Like any other profession, job security should depend on performance.  In the areas where I've lived, teacher salaries have been solidly middle class and benefits on par with the area. 

I respect what they do, but the attitude that teachers should be exempt from performance standards is in part responsible for the poor state of education in many communities.  Why perform if all is the same regardless quality?

As for mortgages, there are several mortgage remodification programs out there to save homes.  All were put in place by the Obama Administration.  Some may reduce your monthly payment by as much as 50%.  Google NACA.  I can't remember the details but they can through these programs save homes even homes already in the process of foreclosure. 

The moving payment is for cases where the home owner can pay virually nothing.  I believe it relates to the one option of deed in lieu of foreclosure.  If you owe more than the home is worth, you would not be sued for the balance as could happen with foreclosure.  NACA has a good simplified explanation and run a program to tell homeowners in trouble the available options the banks are not talking about.  They and other not for profits are negotiating remodification terms with banks on the homeowners behalf.  Sadly, people don't know these programs exist and are still loosing their homes or being taken by scammers. 

                   MSW   Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass: Eat sensibly & enjoy moderation  

 Links:  Are you a compulsive eater?  for help OA meets on-line Keep Coming Back, One Day At a Time  Overeaters Anonymous 


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