Accountability Mission: No Mercy and No Excuses
Happy SATURDAY and enjoy this weekend.� Will you be making up for any misses in eating exercise, or anything else that's not on point?��Tell the whole truth and be accountable.� If the week has not been what you want it to be, what are you going to do about it?
���� ...All are welcome, jump in at anytime.
For reference:
5 Day Pouch Test website http://www.5daypouchtest.com/plan/theplan.html
5 Day Pouch Test Instructions
Protein Train Instructions http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/black_american/3993571/Protein-Train-Educate-me-please/#32309205
Wagon Plan Instructions
Overeaters Anonymous
Online Meetings
Happy SATURDAY and enjoy this weekend.� Will you be making up for any misses in eating exercise, or anything else that's not on point?��Tell the whole truth and be accountable.� If the week has not been what you want it to be, what are you going to do about it?
���� ...All are welcome, jump in at anytime.
For reference:
5 Day Pouch Test website http://www.5daypouchtest.com/plan/theplan.html
5 Day Pouch Test Instructions
Protein Train Instructions http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/black_american/3993571/Protein-Train-Educate-me-please/#32309205
Wagon Plan Instructions
Overeaters Anonymous
Online Meetings
MSW Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass: Eat sensibly & enjoy moderation
Links: Are you a compulsive eater? for help OA meets on-line Keep Coming Back, One Day At a Time Overeaters Anonymous
Lately, I have sucked big time. I have been under a lot of stress and the first thing to go is taking care of myself. I cannot comfort myself with food anymore so I screw up in other ways. I stop exercising and don't eat the way I should. I gave myself a good kick in the pants yesterday and I am starting fresh today.
I got in 45 mins of exercise, I have taken my vits today (the first time in a while I am ashamed to admit) and have a plan for the weekend.
Hope everyone is doing well and working their tool. Have a good weekend.
I got in 45 mins of exercise, I have taken my vits today (the first time in a while I am ashamed to admit) and have a plan for the weekend.
Hope everyone is doing well and working their tool. Have a good weekend.

Over ate because I ate in the car where portion control is an issue since I did not measure my food. I also went for the sf cookies and ff pringles. My calories are up there but without measures I can't know exactly how bad is bad. I estimate I'm still on track for a two pound calorie deficit for the week.
Not enough water either but most of it was plain
And, I missed a dose of vits.
Yes folks, I made a cluster fkcu of it yesterday. I had no workout scheduled so I could not screw that up.
Soooo... this weekend I will be doing some pennance. Fortunately I have some extra gym time already in. I'll be adding a little more to burn off those sf oatmeal cookies and ff pringles and fried fish.
Hi BAF Fam
That's it I'm tired of the late night snacking and the carb & sweats cycle that I keep going in. I'm starting the 5 day pouch test today & will follow the protein train right after that. I really need to get it together and get this last 40lbs off of my body and start planning for plastics. I started the morning well doing 30 minutes of Billy Blanks Cardio Boot Camp and had a bottle of water & 1/2 a bottle of Naked Protein Zone juice smoothie. I plan on having beef broth for lunch and to keep the water coming.
That's it I'm tired of the late night snacking and the carb & sweats cycle that I keep going in. I'm starting the 5 day pouch test today & will follow the protein train right after that. I really need to get it together and get this last 40lbs off of my body and start planning for plastics. I started the morning well doing 30 minutes of Billy Blanks Cardio Boot Camp and had a bottle of water & 1/2 a bottle of Naked Protein Zone juice smoothie. I plan on having beef broth for lunch and to keep the water coming.