Wal-Mart up to no good again...
Has anyone else read this article?
Wal-Mart Sells Black Barbie For Half Price Of Same White Doll:
Wal-Mart Sells Black Barbie For Half Price Of Same White Doll:
Perception is everything...
The doll wasn't selling well so Wal Mart lowered the price. If cost was previously a barrier to sales, that has been removed. Two benefits to this strategy: Wal Mart quickly gets rid of an item that was sluggish in sales(no profit) to make room for items that will make them more money and people can now get a significant discount on a pretty Black Barbie doll.
If our girls still played with dolls, I'd be the first in line to buy one. In this economic environment, if I can get a discount on anything that I have to purchase, I'm taking it.