Accountability Mission: No Mercy and No Excuses
SATURDAY accountability time BAF people. You've got the weekend to make up for the week's mistakes if any. Tell the whole truth and be accountable. Are you on track this week? Perhaps you're getting your act together right now. Or, are you sayng I'll take the weekend and start my "diet" agin on Monday?
If you're choosing the last option, stop that mess right now! Remember how many times you put off making a positive change in the past. Remember how many times a mistake became free license to continue to disregard your efforts until some arbitrary point in time. Get right back on it this minute.
You know who you are. No self deception. The longer you take to return to your plan, the harder it will be and the greater the damage done.
...All are welcome, jump in at anytime.
For reference:
5 Day Pouch Test website http://www.5daypouchtest.com/plan/theplan.html
5 Day Pouch Test Instructions
Protein Train Instructions http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/black_american/3993571/Protein-Train-Educate-me-please/#32309205
Wagon Plan Instructions
Overeaters Anonymous
Online Meetings
SATURDAY accountability time BAF people. You've got the weekend to make up for the week's mistakes if any. Tell the whole truth and be accountable. Are you on track this week? Perhaps you're getting your act together right now. Or, are you sayng I'll take the weekend and start my "diet" agin on Monday?
If you're choosing the last option, stop that mess right now! Remember how many times you put off making a positive change in the past. Remember how many times a mistake became free license to continue to disregard your efforts until some arbitrary point in time. Get right back on it this minute.
You know who you are. No self deception. The longer you take to return to your plan, the harder it will be and the greater the damage done.
...All are welcome, jump in at anytime.
For reference:
5 Day Pouch Test website http://www.5daypouchtest.com/plan/theplan.html
5 Day Pouch Test Instructions
Protein Train Instructions http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/black_american/3993571/Protein-Train-Educate-me-please/#32309205
Wagon Plan Instructions
Overeaters Anonymous
Online Meetings
MSW Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass: Eat sensibly & enjoy moderation
Links: Are you a compulsive eater? for help OA meets on-line Keep Coming Back, One Day At a Time Overeaters Anonymous
I woke up on time today but I did not get up so I'm late for the gym again.� I did not want to go this morning but my @$$ and belly in these new bike shorts will convince anyone to work out.
Yesterday was not so good.� I don't know how much water but way too little.�� I was fasting during the day then committed the cardinal sin of shopping while hungry.� Instead of protein powder only until evening, I had a half cup of chocolate covered cashews for lunch.� I'm also still out of vits and have not yet placed my order.�
The good is that I did not make up for lost eating in the evening.� I had a salad and split a large serving of protein in two feedings.� By large I mean four to six ounces.� Splitting the protein from dinner saves me from late grazing.� No more midnight snacks recently.� Hopefully this recent night hunger will disappear as suddenly as it arrived.�
Yesterday was not so good.� I don't know how much water but way too little.�� I was fasting during the day then committed the cardinal sin of shopping while hungry.� Instead of protein powder only until evening, I had a half cup of chocolate covered cashews for lunch.� I'm also still out of vits and have not yet placed my order.�
The good is that I did not make up for lost eating in the evening.� I had a salad and split a large serving of protein in two feedings.� By large I mean four to six ounces.� Splitting the protein from dinner saves me from late grazing.� No more midnight snacks recently.� Hopefully this recent night hunger will disappear as suddenly as it arrived.�
Good 4 you OA for conterbalancing the chocolate nuts. ....................................(Hmmm.....sorry my mind went left 4 a minute..........................) Ok ..Im back! lol..anyway vits, protien and water in progress. I am in a FUNK today, but hopefully it will lift after I haul my tail to the gym. Ate at Fuddruckers 4 lunch (son's basketball team had their celebration today) I only ate half of the buger (those things are huge) and immediately gave the rest of my food away. Stayed away from the free cupcakes...no icing licking for me today! Need to take it easy on the calories the rest of the day. Im sure that burger was ridiculos.