RNY in Comparison to C-SECTION???
I've had 3 c-sections. The first one took me over 3 weeks to get back into the swing of things but 10 years later with my last c-section, I was driving and on day 4. My question is,
Has anyone had a c-section and RNY and how do the compare pain wise... I know that when one has a c-section, they cut through muscle, moves things around, and one tends to have gas pains, staples, etc. Is it the same tenderness? I'm afraid of pain. I've had my acl and meniscus repaired in my knee and that was the worse pain I've ever felt when the medication from surgery wore off. Contractions were a piece of cake compared to that pain. So I think if I prepare myself mentally that it's going to hurt like hell, or that it's not that bad, it will be better...
oh and has anyone had a reaction to the anesthesia? @ out of my 3 c-sections gave me what I like to call "crack head symptoms". I was itching, and scratching, and felt like things were crawling on my back and my head. It felt like crumbs in the bed. My skin was crawling. I couldn't stop itching. I was so miserable the first night. If so, will they be able to give benadryl or something to ease the symptoms?
C-Sect - Bearable.
I don't remember gas with my C-Sect. I had a lot of issues sitting and standing up...nothing that a pillow couldn't fix.
The RNY was painful due to the gas. Overall, I was uncomfortable for 3-4 days, but I was back to work in 7 days.
Maybe it was the morphine that gave you the "crackhead symptoms"....that's a usual side effect. I was given Benadryl and it worked wonders.
RNY was very deceiving because of the laproscopy. In my mind such small incisions shouldn't be very painful right? Wrong, I felt like I wa**** by a bus several times.
I'm not trying to scare you I'm just being honest. It could just be my case but my surgeon told me that I had a bad reaction to the surgery (whatever that means).
I think the biggest difference in the surgeries that makes all the difference in the world is the pain management. They can't give you the good stuff like percocete and vicadin(sp) like they would with the c-section because of your new pouch so you have to settle for the morphine pump which for me was like pumping saline into my I V.
If I had to do it all over again knowing what I was in for I'd do it, it was one of the best decisions I've ever made.
Best of luck to you

Thank you for sharing your experience...

I hope everything is going well with your surgery and recovery, and WEIGHT LOSS.... Think of the summer and how fabulous you will look in them clothes...