Hold my feet to the fire!!! Accountability Post
Good Morning Family! Filling in for OA KCB while she is traveling, so here we go!
Accountability Mission: No Mercy and No Excuses�
Its Accounability Thursday BAF.� we are almost at the end of another work week, what's your plan for the week shaping up to be?� Tell�the whole truth and be accountable.��How's�this week working for you.�
Remember the basics: protein first, plenty of water, carbs in moderation, taking those vits, get some exercise... You know the drill.��Be mindful of�your goals�and work your program.�
������ ...�All are welcome, jump in at anytime.
For reference:
5 Day Pouch Test website
5 Day Pouch Test Instructions
Protein Train Instructions http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/black_american/3993571/Protein-Train-Educate-me-please/#32309205
Wagon Plan Instructions
Overeaters Anonymous�
�Online Meetings�
I did pretty good yesterday, low carbs, high protein. after work I went to the gym. leaving the gym I felt GREAT! I have more energy, I haven't felt this good in months. I believe eating the wrong foods and a lot of carbs was making me feeling sluggish and moody. I'm a little afraid though, because the weekend is coming up. I usually cheat ( a lot) on the weekends, but I will try my best the stay focused.
Have a great day Fam, and remember to WORK your tool!
Have a great day Fam, and remember to WORK your tool!

I did well with my meals and vitamins yesterday but I did not get enough fluids in me for the past couple of days I don't feel like drinking. I will work on getting fluids in and will have to search for a healthy lunch because I left my lunch sitting on my counter at home!
The weekends at other days away from the office work out well for me my hardest days to maintain proper eating habits are at work. For some reason I am always thinking about finding something to nibble on when at work. I am going to remain focused today & I plan to get a long walk it at lunch time,
The weekends at other days away from the office work out well for me my hardest days to maintain proper eating habits are at work. For some reason I am always thinking about finding something to nibble on when at work. I am going to remain focused today & I plan to get a long walk it at lunch time,
Change is a Process Not an Event
Yeah I'm having a tuff time with the water myself. I find that drinking it with a bit of lemon helps me.
so weird because I feel my eating habits are better at work. I think its because my co-workers and I work close together so I feel like they are watching everything i put in my mouth!
when i'm home alone nodody watches so thats when i tend to overeat.
so weird because I feel my eating habits are better at work. I think its because my co-workers and I work close together so I feel like they are watching everything i put in my mouth!

when i'm home alone nodody watches so thats when i tend to overeat.