BAF are we not talking about this? Did I miss a thread about the downward spiral of Toyota?
CBS news is now reporting how Toyota is "in bed" with Congress - lobbying money and campaign contributions.
Who's on the side of us Americans? Who's watching our backsides?
Quite frankly, I'm surprised that the head of Toyota hasn't committed suicide yet. You know how those Japanese roll when they've been shamed. That comment was not meant to offend anyone.
CBS news is now reporting how Toyota is "in bed" with Congress - lobbying money and campaign contributions.
Who's on the side of us Americans? Who's watching our backsides?
Quite frankly, I'm surprised that the head of Toyota hasn't committed suicide yet. You know how those Japanese roll when they've been shamed. That comment was not meant to offend anyone.
Lookee here - America is about who can pay most to get what the **** they want. As for Japan.... Americanized. You think that man is shamed? HEYL naw!!! mofo rolled up to a hearing in a BMW!!!!!!
Same reason China is shipping **** with lead and poison over here, the same reason Al-Quieda is after us - cause we are a ****** UP COUNTRY!!!!
World leader? MY AZZ!!!! We are the jokes other countries tell themselves......
As the French what they think of our health care.......
Same reason China is shipping **** with lead and poison over here, the same reason Al-Quieda is after us - cause we are a ****** UP COUNTRY!!!!
World leader? MY AZZ!!!! We are the jokes other countries tell themselves......

When the CEO of Burger King is eating a Big Mac, that's a statement
When you catch Lil Debbie eating a Twinkie, that's a statement
But the mofo driving up in a Beamer is like our President leaving the country everyday to go LIVE in Canada!!!!!!
Now, a drug dealer NOT smoking crack....I get that - but a car company pres not driving his OWN product???!!!! Come ON!!!!
And lemme just restate for the record - it's all this right here that brought me back to the Democratic Negro party line - I actually DID vote for GW the FIRST time........
again....sorry y'all - who knew?????
When the CEO of Burger King is eating a Big Mac, that's a statement
When you catch Lil Debbie eating a Twinkie, that's a statement
But the mofo driving up in a Beamer is like our President leaving the country everyday to go LIVE in Canada!!!!!!
Now, a drug dealer NOT smoking crack....I get that - but a car company pres not driving his OWN product???!!!! Come ON!!!!
And lemme just restate for the record - it's all this right here that brought me back to the Democratic Negro party line - I actually DID vote for GW the FIRST time........

again....sorry y'all - who knew?????
Issues? naw - Repubes is pullin subscriptions! LMAO
When they really got behind Sarah Palin - that was like, the final, total straw - like, SERIOUSLY??? You really mean THIS shyt???? I mean, I'm all for pretending a mofo ain't fart in the room, but when he takes his pants down and ****S on the floor........
I'm callin it out.......
When they really got behind Sarah Palin - that was like, the final, total straw - like, SERIOUSLY??? You really mean THIS shyt???? I mean, I'm all for pretending a mofo ain't fart in the room, but when he takes his pants down and ****S on the floor........
I'm callin it out.......

this is kinda sorta off topic... but right now i am in living in Finland for school..and chiiiiiild being over here has opened my eyes even more so to how screwed up American politics is..
tell me why in my home country...that i am a citizen of..i have no damn insurance...but i come to this European place for 6 months and i am totally covered?? That sits wrong with me on so many levels... America is to busy hollaring oh goverment healthcare is socialism... ummm these folks over here could careless...(and yes they pay higher taxes cause of it) . All they care about is knowing when they get sick they can go to the hospital!
And just hearing how other people view America.. It seems like the world is waiting on America to step up to the plate. Like one person from Spain...told me " We see America potential it just a shame its not living up to it"
Over here everyone wants to see Obama succeed.. I can not tell you how many students of other countries the first thing they ask me when they find out i am from the states is about Obama... Its real f*cked up when the world wants you to succeed but it seems like your own country wants you to fail..
I dunno maybe its because all i can do is read headlines now since i do not have a tv to watch the political shows...but i just get the feeling that folks (REPUBs and that crazy Tea Party) would rather see Obama fail then to see their country get out of this mess.. It hurts my heart bad... The longer i am over here the more i wish i could strangle some sense in to out Policy makers
tell me why in my home country...that i am a citizen of..i have no damn insurance...but i come to this European place for 6 months and i am totally covered?? That sits wrong with me on so many levels... America is to busy hollaring oh goverment healthcare is socialism... ummm these folks over here could careless...(and yes they pay higher taxes cause of it) . All they care about is knowing when they get sick they can go to the hospital!
And just hearing how other people view America.. It seems like the world is waiting on America to step up to the plate. Like one person from Spain...told me " We see America potential it just a shame its not living up to it"
Over here everyone wants to see Obama succeed.. I can not tell you how many students of other countries the first thing they ask me when they find out i am from the states is about Obama... Its real f*cked up when the world wants you to succeed but it seems like your own country wants you to fail..
I dunno maybe its because all i can do is read headlines now since i do not have a tv to watch the political shows...but i just get the feeling that folks (REPUBs and that crazy Tea Party) would rather see Obama fail then to see their country get out of this mess.. It hurts my heart bad... The longer i am over here the more i wish i could strangle some sense in to out Policy makers
actually, your post is not really off topic, because at the heart of the matter is politics. Government politics, Toyota politics. It's all politics.
Look, the "tea baggers", yeah, I called em tea baggers are afraid of this Black president. There way of life can change because a black man is in power. He's gonna come in, raise their taxes and take their guns. Obama is for upholding the Constitution, that means that as long as you follow the law, you can keep your guns. And I'm sorry, but progress cannot be made without each of us pitching in and doing our share. Sadly, that might mean raising taxes. We can't keep borrowing from China. What happens when China calls in the loan and we can't pay? The tea baggers should be more worried about China, than Obama.
Enjoy your time in Finland. I feel that you are in a good position to speak on Socialism more so than any tea bagger who has probably never even left their state.
Look, the "tea baggers", yeah, I called em tea baggers are afraid of this Black president. There way of life can change because a black man is in power. He's gonna come in, raise their taxes and take their guns. Obama is for upholding the Constitution, that means that as long as you follow the law, you can keep your guns. And I'm sorry, but progress cannot be made without each of us pitching in and doing our share. Sadly, that might mean raising taxes. We can't keep borrowing from China. What happens when China calls in the loan and we can't pay? The tea baggers should be more worried about China, than Obama.
Enjoy your time in Finland. I feel that you are in a good position to speak on Socialism more so than any tea bagger who has probably never even left their state.