O/T thru a text msg!!!
on 2/21/10 8:18 am
Start-251 /Current-172/ Goal-165
-Oscar Wilde
Although my band got the weight off, Beachbody got me the body Ive always wanted!! I believe in this company so much that I decided to become an Independent Team Beachbody Coach. If you want to learn more or you would like to join my team click the link below
My 2011 Theme: Just a former fat girl tryna stay healthy!!

I agree with the others - homie showed you his TRUE colors and if he EVER tries to come back, remember THIS moment - remember how you feel right NOW. and remember he did this knowing how you would be hurt, how mentally gut punched you would be.
And when you remember it - know that whatever your BEST memories of him are - THIS is what was true blue and real underneath.
A prayer I pray when I'm trying to work through something in a relationship (dating or otherwise) is 'God - please show me the TRUE heart of this person, reveal them to me so that I can let go of my doubt'
Inevitably, within a week of praying that - something happens to show me what I am not being TOLD. So when you are told - take heed and listen, girlfriend!!!! Better to know now than years down the road and be married with kids and a life to try to put back together.
I normally don't do this, but I really feel your pain right now, and yes - it WILL get better, eventually - but let yourself feel this moment in time, you WILL be stronger for it.

ETA: I love this song for moments like this:
It's Mary Mary's Yesterday
Oh sweetheart, I am so sorry you are dealing with that. It is NEVER easy to hear that BUT through a text message???!!! What a pusstulating asshole!!!!! ((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))!
I'm not going to give you the 10 cent speech about time healing all wounds or any of that crap. I'm gonna tell you the truth. Cry, hurt, feel it, mourn over it, sit with it, get angry, call him every thing but a child of God, write out your feelings, listen to whatever songs you need to help you express it....and then...start the process of healing....first forgive yourself for everything you are now blaming yourself for (even though you shouldn't) like loving him, choosing him, allowing yourself to be open, not seeing some "sign" sooner or whatever silly stuff we blame ourselves for....and then....forgive him. I know, I know...but in time you must in order to let it go. If you don't, it will poison your soul. Forgiveness is really for you, not for him. Forgiveness means to untie yourself from it or to let it go and shake the dust of it from your shoes. When you forgive him, it does not mean that you except what he did or ever have to speak to him again or that you even like the man, it simply means that you have let it go and won't allow it to poison your future. He already had the time he did with you. Do not allow him to have NOT ONE MORE SECOND of you life.
Time does not heal all wounds...it's what you do with that time. So use this time wisely. Mourn and allow yourself to hurt and then...in time...forgive yourself and forgive him. Learn the positive lesson God has for you in this, and then move through it. Reach out to God. He will ease your broken heart sweetheart. That's why Jesus came, to heal the broken hearted. I'll send up a prayer for you. Just know that you are a stunningly beautiful woman who is amazingly sexy, incredibly intelligent, fun to be with and worthy of the love of a good man.
Go on cry, kick, scream do whatever EXCEPT CALL HIM FOR ANY REASON (you don't need anything from him). And personally, I would change my number(s) because if he was dumb enough to let her run this breakup, he probably let her have access to your phone number. And who you think is gonna be the furst number she calls when she can't find his stupid behind?!?!