O/T thru a text msg!!!
Havent been on here in a min, hope every one is in good health and spirits.
So I lost 5lbs in the last 2 days, I should b happy right? I've cried so hard that I cant eat or sleep! How do you deal with the man u love sending you a text that says this " I have something to tell u, and it gonna hurt but I met some one else and I dont want to lie to you no more" Yea WOW right!!! So then I call him... naturally because I thought it was a damn joke because I had just seen him a few days ago and because we had just got off the phone not even an hour b4 he sent the text. So I call and he tells me how he met this chick a few weeks ago and that he really likes her, and he dont want to me to get hurt. UMMM a little 2 late 4 that!! He said its wasnt something I was looking 4, it just happen. It hit me like a bus, out of the blue. I still dont think I have caught my breath.
My heart has never ached so bad! How long is it gonna take for this feeling to go away?
Havent been on here in a min, hope every one is in good health and spirits.
So I lost 5lbs in the last 2 days, I should b happy right? I've cried so hard that I cant eat or sleep! How do you deal with the man u love sending you a text that says this " I have something to tell u, and it gonna hurt but I met some one else and I dont want to lie to you no more" Yea WOW right!!! So then I call him... naturally because I thought it was a damn joke because I had just seen him a few days ago and because we had just got off the phone not even an hour b4 he sent the text. So I call and he tells me how he met this chick a few weeks ago and that he really likes her, and he dont want to me to get hurt. UMMM a little 2 late 4 that!! He said its wasnt something I was looking 4, it just happen. It hit me like a bus, out of the blue. I still dont think I have caught my breath.
My heart has never ached so bad! How long is it gonna take for this feeling to go away?
Hi Ninie,
Sorry to hear about your heartbreak, but he was NOT a MAN. He is a coward and he did you a favor. If he has to break up with you over a text message, he has no CLASS and is not a REAL MAN. And if he is going to lead you on and talk to you only a few hours before sending the text message he is still juvenile. Believe me you do not need that.
After a few weeks or months, you will laff at how ig'nant the whole situation to break up with you really was.
Just keep in mind, when one door closes, another opens and God has something in store that is wonderfully made just for you!
Be Blessed.
Sorry to hear about your heartbreak, but he was NOT a MAN. He is a coward and he did you a favor. If he has to break up with you over a text message, he has no CLASS and is not a REAL MAN. And if he is going to lead you on and talk to you only a few hours before sending the text message he is still juvenile. Believe me you do not need that.
After a few weeks or months, you will laff at how ig'nant the whole situation to break up with you really was.
Just keep in mind, when one door closes, another opens and God has something in store that is wonderfully made just for you!

Be Blessed.

O and I left the best part out... He was saying all this junk to me in front of ol girl, because she started poppin off at the mouth in the back ground. Say how he didnt need to explain himself to me, just to say it was over and b done with it. Like really! Thats how much respect u have 4 me! To send me a text then to break it off infront of your new girl.
Just like he did that to you, he will do that to her. While her mouth is popping off and she think she is running things, she ain't running nothing but her mouth.
And you SAW for yourself he ain't a real man cuz he can't "tame" his girl. She is running him. Telling him what to do and SHE probably was the one to tell him to text you and say it is off. You don't need no weak man. Believe dat!
She is going to chew him up and spit him out cuz he has no backbone. And then he will come crawling back to you. Don't fall for the okey doke.
And you SAW for yourself he ain't a real man cuz he can't "tame" his girl. She is running him. Telling him what to do and SHE probably was the one to tell him to text you and say it is off. You don't need no weak man. Believe dat!
She is going to chew him up and spit him out cuz he has no backbone. And then he will come crawling back to you. Don't fall for the okey doke.

First, She's a sideline Ho!
Second, he's not a real man because a real man would have the respect, dignity, and grace to tell you via phone not text and then when you call his sideline HO is in the background trickin.
Third, the same thing he did to you his sideline HO will do to him and he will fall in love with the Sideline HO and the HO will trick em and his wallet.
Fourth, your too pretty for his dumb ass that's why he went and got a ghetto Sideline HO because you have more class than him.
Fifth, the sideline HO will embarass his ass in public
A friend of mine was engaged to a brother and he was engaged to another woman at the same time. He decided not to marry my friend that was last year September how bout his ass is in the divorce process as I type. He calls my girl telling him he miss her. I told her to tell him to go bask in himself and find another SIDELINE HO because His Black ass didn't deserve my friend.
DIsclosure: In any way shape or form Pinkcurves is not discriminating against any type of man. Pinkcurves is not bashing AA men at all as this one man does not represent the race on a whole.
Second, he's not a real man because a real man would have the respect, dignity, and grace to tell you via phone not text and then when you call his sideline HO is in the background trickin.
Third, the same thing he did to you his sideline HO will do to him and he will fall in love with the Sideline HO and the HO will trick em and his wallet.
Fourth, your too pretty for his dumb ass that's why he went and got a ghetto Sideline HO because you have more class than him.
Fifth, the sideline HO will embarass his ass in public
A friend of mine was engaged to a brother and he was engaged to another woman at the same time. He decided not to marry my friend that was last year September how bout his ass is in the divorce process as I type. He calls my girl telling him he miss her. I told her to tell him to go bask in himself and find another SIDELINE HO because His Black ass didn't deserve my friend.
DIsclosure: In any way shape or form Pinkcurves is not discriminating against any type of man. Pinkcurves is not bashing AA men at all as this one man does not represent the race on a whole.
Tis better to be dis-liked than to be loved by them cuz your always on their mind.
I'm really sorry. I don't think you'll meet anyone on this board who is a stranger to heartbreak. We've all been there and we all understand how you feel.
I know that you have a broken heart right now, but try to look at it from a different angle. Do you really want to be emotionally attached to someone who would do this to another person? It's foul, and he's not a good guy. People show us who they are, but it's up to us to believe them when they show us.
I pray you find some comfort.
Be blessed.
I know that you have a broken heart right now, but try to look at it from a different angle. Do you really want to be emotionally attached to someone who would do this to another person? It's foul, and he's not a good guy. People show us who they are, but it's up to us to believe them when they show us.
I pray you find some comfort.
Be blessed.
That's messed up, Yo. How dare he? He should have been man enough to come over to your house or waited until you two were in a crowded mall somewhere, sat you down and quoted a Shakespearean Sonnet as a preamble, that way it would have better for you to accept what he was saying.
I know you're hurting right now and I'm NOT trying to add to that hurt by saying this but when he sent you the text he really did you a really big favor. Though it was childish and so not needed at the time, it does give you plenty of insight if you think about it and the upperhand by not having to put up with this childish dude in the future. What was he gonna do if you two tried to build a life around each other and had a knock down/drag out argument? Tap the person sitting next to him in marriage counseling and say "Pssst... pass her this note?"
Or better yet wait until you two went to a party as a couple and he starts a nasty rumor that he "quit you" behind your back?
He was such a punk for doing that! I don't know you but I don't think this is the man that you really wanted to love or spend the rest of your life with, let alone share a drink with in public if he is gonna pull some ole bull**** like this. I've said it before and I'll say it again, "Some brothas today ain't got no style."
I know it stings a little right now but guess what? You too will bounce back from this and when you do you won't have to put up with his immature azz anymore.
Now get back on your WLS grind, plan a trip with your homegirls this summer and most importantly - Go on it! You'll eventually forget about him.
I know you're hurting right now and I'm NOT trying to add to that hurt by saying this but when he sent you the text he really did you a really big favor. Though it was childish and so not needed at the time, it does give you plenty of insight if you think about it and the upperhand by not having to put up with this childish dude in the future. What was he gonna do if you two tried to build a life around each other and had a knock down/drag out argument? Tap the person sitting next to him in marriage counseling and say "Pssst... pass her this note?"

He was such a punk for doing that! I don't know you but I don't think this is the man that you really wanted to love or spend the rest of your life with, let alone share a drink with in public if he is gonna pull some ole bull**** like this. I've said it before and I'll say it again, "Some brothas today ain't got no style."

I know it stings a little right now but guess what? You too will bounce back from this and when you do you won't have to put up with his immature azz anymore.